skyXtreme Boogies & Meets
Vol. 5 - February 2000 - English Edition The Magazine from Skydive World


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What would a skydiver's life be without all those great boogies and meets around the world? Let us show you the special ones every month and some great Drop Zones around the world.
   [Updated: February 1, 2000]          Page 2 - For more boogies see Page 1 and Page 3

Patrick de Gayardon Memorial Boogie - Ohau, Hawaii
March 11-19, 2000
Almost 2 years ago, on April 13, 1998, "Birdman" Patrick de Gayardon died at the end of a practice jump with his wingsuit on Ohau, Hawaii. Join the folks at the Pacific Skydiving Center on the North Shore of Ohau for their Patrick de Gayardon Memorial Boogie.

Their new executive super King Air 100 will bring 17 jumper up to 13,500 feet in 8-10 minutes. Guy Banal, Harry O'Connor, Atsushi Yamanaka, Marc Bonneau, and other guests will load organize. There will be a photo/video contest with lots of prizes, a RW 8/16 way sequential color coordination jump, freeflying and all other "exotic" fun jumps.

Patrick de Gayardon
And every night is party time and there will be a Beach House Party with Famous "Eric Party Master". The registration fee of $35.00 includes Sunday BBQ/Sushi Bar, St. Patrick's Day "Luau" Dinner, and beverages every night.

Camping, lodging, and hotel space is available. For reservation and info contact Dee at (808) 637-7472 or Guy Banal at (808) 371-0663 or by email to

Birdman So if you are tired of the cold weather join the jumps, parties and memories of Deug at the the beautiful North Shore of Ohau, Hawaii.

To learn more about the legend Patrick de Gayardon, his life and his death, visit Paragmag's website. The site is in french and english.

Freeze Fest - Skydive Cross Keys, New Jersey
February 12 -13, 2000
Join the ultimate winter skydiving boogie with a great party, music and, of course, skydiving. If January's temperatures are any indication of things to come for February, then this year's Freeze Fest Boggie at Skydive Cross Keys in Williamstown, New Jersey could be the coolest boogie ever!

A Twin Otter and a King Air, both heated, will be flying, and tickets are $14 to 13,500. You'll get free coffee and hot chocolate, and free beer and pizza on Saturday night. There will be safety, gear, and other seminars, and load organizing from Howie Murray for the flat flyers and from the Monkey Claw Freefly Team for freeflying. And go figure ... no boogie fee required.

Freefall Adventures
Don't worry about the weather or temperature. Be there no matter what! Only Hell freezing over will cancel this Boogie. Mark your calender, pack your longjohns and mittens, and make your plans to be at the coolest boogie of the year.

For more information call 856-629-7553 or send an e-mail address at

For more boogies see Page 1 and Page 3      

Paragliding- and
Skydiving School
Ucman Ltd. - Ankara Uçman Ltd.
Ankara, Turkey

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