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 [Updated: February 1, 2000]                          Page 2 - For more safety issues see Page 1

CYPRES News - January 2000

CYPRES Field Replaceable Cutters: The 1-pin and 2-pin Field-Replaceable Cutters are available for stocking purposes by riggers. This is the cutter portion, and can only be used with CYPRES units that have already had the new style cutter installed. All 1-pin units produced since march 1995 and 2-pin units produced since September 1999, as well as any older unit returned to SSK or Airtec for cutter replacement since these dates have the new style cutters installed. If you currently have a CYPRES with the Field-Replaceable "pigtail", then you can convert between a 1-pin and 2-pin cutter without returning the CYPRES to a service center. See the SSK website for details.
Water Resistant Kit: The Water resistant Kit for CYPRES is now available. The initial installation of the kit must be performed at SSK or Airtec. The price is $199.00. See their website for additional information.
CYPRES Self-Test: Although the Self-Test that is performed every time CYPRES is switched on is very thorough and comprehensive, please note that it can only be considered valid if the Scheduled Maintenance and Battery replacements are met. (See below.)
CYPRES Lifetime: Airtec's expected lifetime for CYPRES is at least 10 years. This statement is based on the knowledge of the quality of the components that were chosen for CYPRES, the way it is constructed, and the aging of electronic parts. So far, all expectations have been confirmed by the scheduled maintenance results to date, which have verified the original simulated long-term tests. Once sufficient results from the 8-year Maintenance have been analyzed, further information will be announced.
CYPRES Scheduled Maintenance: All CYPRES units need to be returned to Airtec or SSK four years (the "4-Year Maintenance") and eight years (the "8-Year Maintenance") from the original date of manufacture (DOM) found on the unit S/N label. A "window of plus/minus three months is allowed to enable this to be done when it is most convenient, such as when the rig will not be in use or during the "off season". Note that there is no advantage or disadvantage to sending a unit in up to 3 months early or 3 months late - the price is the same and the "next required" maintenance date is from the original date of manufacture, not from the previous maintenance date.
Subsequent maintenance cycles have not yet been finalized, and will be announced after the results of sufficient 8-year data has been studied. Tentatively, the next scheduled maintenance is 10 years from the date of manufacture. The decision will be announced prior to the time that any units are due for the "10-Year Maintenance".
CYPRES units that have had the required Scheduled Maintenance performed have a 1/2" silver label on the left side: "19XX Airtec Check". It is a good idea to record this label information along with the last battery change date, CYPRES S/N, and DOM on the packing data card to aid riggers in the future.
Battery replacement is not part of the Scheduled Maintenance, however, the battery will be replaced if its lifetime is up, or has been in the CYPRES longer than 21 months (battery cost is additional). Note: Every CYPRES leaving SSK requires a cutter and an in-date battery - If you want to replace the battery with one from your stock, please send the new battery to SSK with the CYPRES!
The Field-Replaceable cutter modification is not part of the Scheduled Maintenance, but can be made for an extra $105.00 (1-pin) or $210.00 (2-pin).
The CYPRES Scheduled Maintenance is not just a simple "chamber test", but rather two weeks of comprehensive visual and electrical inspections, extreme heat and cold tests, and precision altitude and activation measurements duplicating those done during production. Any applicable updates (including the "Silver Sleeve") are made, the technical data is compared with that from the original production testing for each unit, and any deviations or discrepancies are analyzed and appropriate action is taken.
The complete procedure normally takes about 2 weeks after receipt of the unit. Note that occasionally a unit needs additional time for an adjustment and re-testing after the data analysis is completed. Since March 1997, SSK has performed the Scheduled Maintenance at the new U. S. facility in Lebanon, Ohio, so that CYPRES owners can send their unit to Germany or SSK, whichever is closer.
CYPRES Battery: The CYPRES battery assembly must be replaced every 2 years, after 500 jumps, or with the low battery error code (8998 or 8999) is displayed - whichever occurs first. Note that owners or riggers may replace the battery; it is not necessary to send the CYPRES to SSK or Airtec. Use of other than a genuine Airtec battery assembly is strictly forbidden.
Used CYPRES batteries should be disposed of properly. It is not necessary to send used batteries to SSK. Generally, batteries from personal use can be disposed of in residential trash. As with any battery, do not incinerate. Also, please do not attempt to use old batteries in a flashlight or other device - they are incompatible and can cause damage to electronic equipment.
Once the battery life has been met (500 jumps OR low battery error code OR installed in a CYPRES for 2 years - whichever comes FIRST) PLEASE REMOVE THE BATTERY AND DISPOSE OF IT. This is especially important if the CYPRES or rig is being stored and not in use at the time.
CYPRES batteries have a long shelf life as long as they are stored in a cool, dry location (below 68 degrees F). The 2-year period does not start until the battery is installed in a CYPRES. After installing a battery that has been stored for more than 6 months, it is recommended that the CYPRES be turned on and off 4 times in succession to activate the battery.
If you are returning a CYPRES to SSK for any type of maintenance and the battery has been in the CYPRES longer than 21 months (i.e., if there is less than 3 months left on the 2-year period), the battery will be replaced. Please remove and dispose of expired batteries from CYPRES prior to shipping to SSK. If you have a new battery in stock that you wish to be installed during servicing, send the new battery to SSK with the CYPRES.
CYPRES Installation Set-ups: When ordering new CYPRES units, please specify if you need the complete "Retrofit set-up kit", or if the CYPRES is going into a "CYPRES-ready" rig. Although there is no price difference, helping to not waste parts is appreciated, and helps keep the price of CYPRES as low as possible.
Other Servicing and Technical Assistance: Since 1992, SSK Industries has provided CYPRES owners an alternative to sending their unit to Germany in the event servicing is necessary. Utilizing air shipping and a variety of payment methods, SSK attempts to get CYPRES users back in the air as soon as possible with minimum effort and expense.
Normally, the CYPRES unit should be removed from the harness/container system, and shipped in the original protective foam carton. For those who prefer to send their rig with the AAD still installed, SSK will remove and re-install the CYPRES and can also inspect and repack the reserve.
SSK also provides CYPRES Sales and Installation services, as well as technical support and advice for all CYPRES users.

For more information visit the CYPRES support web site at

For more safety issues see Page 1

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