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CYPRES acknowledged to be non-dangerous by US DOT Airtec Presse Release - August 24, 2000 According to international transport regulations, CYPRES is a NON-DANGEROUS good. This was investigated and determined by the National Authorities in Germany, Australia and Great Britain some time ago.
Due to a number of uncertainties occurring on American flights, it was also necessary to obtain a corresponding statement from the US DOT (Department of Transportation). We have now received such a determination from DOT, which confirms that the CYPRES is classified as non-dangerous. Southwest Airlines, as one of the most frequently used carriers by skydivers, is in the process of changing its internal instructions accordingly. If any difficulties with other airlines should arise, please refer them to:
Airtec GmbH
Attn: Mr. Gérard R. Fetter
Phone: +49 2953 989946
Fax: +49 2953 1293
SSK Industries, Inc.
Attn: Mr. Cliff Schmucker
Phone: 513-934-3201
Fax: 513-934-3208
Email: |
Rigging Innovation Service Bulletin Date: July 18, 2000 Service Bulletin # Sb-1538 Subject: Main Risers Status: Recommended Identification: 1. All main risers manufactured by Rigging Innovations Inc.BACKGROUND:
In January 2000, a pair of main risers was found in the field where the locking loops were not bartacked and, consequently, one of the loops pulled out releasing the riser. Fortunately, this did not result in any injury. These risers were relatively new and presumed to have been manufactured within the previous few months. At the time, we believed that this was an isolated occurrence, but to preclude a reoccurrence of the problem, RI implemented an additional manufacturing inspection of the riser loop bartacks.
In July 2000, a second pair of risers was found with missing bartacks. These risers had over a hundred jumps on them before the loop pulled free. It would appear that these were manufactured in the same time period as the first risers but this cannot be determined precisely. Because it is impossible to positively identify the time frame or batch lot of the risers, RI feels that ALL main risers should be inspected according to the following Service Bulletin.
RI has consulted with Bill Booth, inventor of the 3-ring release, on the procedure to ensure the practicality of the test. It should be noted that this type of problem has occurred several times over the last 25-year history of the 3-ring release usage. Because it is possible for any manufacturer to experience this problem, this test could be used by riggers in the field to test any other 3-ring riser manufactured to the 3-Ring Inc specifications.
1. Since the subject risers are a non-certified separate component, this part does not have any identifying part number or date of manufacture. The only marks are L & R on the rear of the respective riser.
2. It must be assumed that any riser installed on a Rigging Innovations product has been manufactured by Rigging Innovations and, consequently, needs to be checked.
3. The locking loops need to be checked by doing the following:
a. Remove the risers from the main 3-ring.
b. Fasten the riser-locking loop around a smooth hook or similar object anchored securely and that will not damage the loop material.
c. Apply approximately 40 lbs of tension to the loop for three seconds. The force must be applied along the plane of the risers in the direction of the rings. If the bartacks are missing, the end of the loop will pull free. The risers must then be returned to the manufacturer for repair.
d. If the loop holds, mark the rear side of the loop with two dots of a BLUE permanent marker (Fig. 1R). The riser may then be returned to service. Check to make sure no damage was done to the loop during the test.
4. All new risers manufactured after January 2000 will have an identifying QC stamp on the rear of the locking loop as in Fig. 1L, do not need to be checked, and are not subject to this Service Bulletin. |
COMPLIANCE DATE: Before the next jump.
Rigging Innovations Inc.
P O Box 86, Eloy AZ 85231
Telephone: 520.466.2655
FAX: 520.466.2656
E-mail |
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