Welcome to the second issue of skyXtreme!
Well guys, the feedback on our first issue of skyXtreme was overwhelming! Many emails reached us from all around the world with supporting words. And many of you sent stories, news and photos for the new October issue. Some of the best camera flyers gave their permission publish their photos without charge/fee, and as a thank you we'll feature one of them in our magazine each month. All this is simply AWESOME and we want to thank you all. This is really becoming a magazine for skydivers AND from skydivers worldwide.
A great help to gather news and insights is the rec.skydiving news group [good that one of the editors is an addicted lurker] We always get quite a few articles of news and interesting bits of information from there which we continuously update during the month on the news page. Thank you to all of you!
New this month is our page, "Your Stories", which we spontaneously set up after reading some of Rita's postings on the rec.skydive news group. Rita graciously gave us permission to publish one of them, and so we are pleased to share a good laugh with you.
As you might have noticed, the SSI Pro Tour also has it's own spot in skyXtreme now, and they'll support us with their news in the future. News might get scarce during the winter, but we think there will always be something to talk about in the skysurf and freefly scene all around the world. So we'll keep you informed on the SSI's skyXtreme page.
Here again is our goal and how you can help us to reach it:
We want to make this a magazine for skydivers and from skydivers, so we need a little help. Send us your skydive articles, stories, insights and photos, your dropzone's news and events. Give us your recommendations for sites that are informative, special, or otherwise simply awesome because of their great design!
We hope you all are having a great time with the most wonderful sport in the world.
Blue skies and safe landings !
@nne heck
Trisha Riga