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Here we want to present some of the most interesting, provocative, colorful sites as our "Pearls on the Net". If you have created a unique, funny, informative page, or if you know of such a web page, please send us the URL so we can feature it here! |
Max Dereta - Photography
Max is a passionate photographer and graphics designer, which you surely can see on his web site.
Max's portfolio consists of 3 different kinds of photography: JUMP
is the selection of free fall photographs. FLY is the collection of
air-to-air shots of various airplanes. TRAVEL photographs show
people, places and things made during various assignments, all
over the world. [English] |
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Häijyt Tuloo! - Finnish Champion CRW-Team
These four skydivers had a dream. They wanted to be the best canopy formation team in Finland. It was a dream. Now it is reality. There have been a lot of questions in the air. How did they do it? What's their secret? How do they train? Who are these guys anyway? Where do they get the power to push the limits from? Are they human beings at all? To get the answers visit their site. [Finnish/English] |
Rik's Place
Besides a skydiving page you'll find lots more neat and interesting stuff at Rik's Place. He provides us with information about TaeKwon-Do and Bikes, Music and Synths. Further pages show you a "Lightwave Gallery", Concert Photos and some "Strange Stuff". And those of you who don't know what "Eckankar" is should go there, to find out...
[English] |
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