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There are always special events on the drop zones world wide. We'll try to figure them out for you and post them here. We also like to publish your stories and impressions of events, you just have to write them down and send them to us. Check back often, we'll update this page whenever we get the news. | For more events see pages [1] [2] [3]
Airforce 2001 - Cessna Madness May 14-16, 2001Skydivers from around the world will gather in Corowa, NSW, in Australia, May 14-16 for the "Airforce 2001 - Cessna Madness". The plan is to fly a formation of 16 Cessnas at 13,000’ from which up to 60 skydivers will build a large freefall formation. |

March 12 was their first practice day. Due to weather only one load got off from a formation of five Cessnas. Eight pilots were trained for their formation endorsement. Every other of the 20+ pilots expected on site will be formation endorsed by May 14th.
Steve Myles of Sydney Skydivers is the chief pilot, and their world class camera team is headed by US cameraflyer Tom Sanders. The freefall formation skydive organizer is Tim Weible from Seattle. Assisting Tim is "Team White" captain Jim Keery from England. Bill Bor is captain of "Team Red" and Dave Ruckert is captain the "Team Blue".
A 55-way wedge is their primary focus. Subsequent goals are an Australian record round star (currently 40), sequential 50+ way to be followed by the fabulous "Five Aircraft 10-Way Speed Star Competition". Each team will exit from five Cessnas in formation (2 team members per team + camera, 2 teams per load). 15-20 seconds later the second team will exit. Time starts on the first person leaving the step. This kind of competition was held in Aratula in Queensland in December 1996. The first of the original 10-way five aircraft speed competitions was held in July 1989 in Snohomish, Washington, USA. In the 3 rounds of competitions the winning team averaged 11.2 seconds from five airplanes...that is skydiving hard and fast!
For more information and a registration from check out |

Ladies POPS Record at Perris May 12, 2001This year Joy Brown and Jan Meyer are planning a Ladies POPS Record at Perris Valley Skydiving Center. The day is May 12, 2001. Sunday, May 13 is a rain day. Start time 8 AM for 4 jumps and a 5th jump with Gentleman POPS added to the load. Jumps are $20 for a total of $100. Aircraft: Otter(s) & Skyvan This includes Ray Cottingham and 'possibly' Tom Sanders as the 2nd photographer.
Last year they did 22-ways with 2 points. They were one grip shy of the 3rd point. This year they are aiming for a 40-way or more! If they get a large enough load we will extend the event to Sunday. You must be a POPS member to participate. POPS membership is $20, lifetime. Applications are available from Ted Rose, Top POP For further information contact Jan Meyer at | |

Large Formation Training Camp May 17-20, 2001A Large Formation Training Camp with Tony Domenico and Dan Brodsky-Chenfeld will take place at Skydive Arizona in Eloy, May 17-20. This camp is for jumpers wanting to learn how to do large formations, or for the more experienced jumpers, a chance to practice and improve their skills.
The skills include: diving, floating, docking, tracking, and base work. They will practice the skills necessary in smaller size groups, 16- to 20-ways, and then combine groups to form larger groups. This is a great opportunity to be seen and get to know some of the top organizers in the world (and a chance to get on future world records).
Minimum requirement to sign up: 200 relative work jumps in the last 2 years, have been in at least a 12-way, and docked 8th or later. They only have a limited amount of slots, so sign up soon.
The event will consist of 20 jumps, including ten jumps from 15,000 feet with oxygen supply. They will be using a combination of Super Otters and a Skyvan. The total cost is $500. Starting time is 7 a.m. ready to jump on May 17th! For more information, contact Tony Domenico by phone at 909-924-5229 or email at |
For more events see pages [1] [2] [3] |