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If your brain is longing for more than simply adrenaline, then you'll find it here! Since there is a life beyond skydiving [at least sometimes] we like to show you some great non-skydiving sites - kinda "food for the brain". |
Volcano Expedition Follow the progress of a Volcano Expedition that began January 2001. The site outlines the basic idea behind the scientists' research on volatile recycling, and the daily log describes what the scientists saw and experienced as they visited a string of volcanoes in Costa Rica. You can even see photographs of the scenery and features inside the crater of a volcano and find out about lab results. |
 go there...
 go there... | by Jim WelpWhen you look up into the night sky, do you see a bunch of blinking lights and wonder what they are? Well, wonder no more. The Interactive Star Chart at is a fantastic resource for amateur astronomers and just plain ol' stargazers. When you visit the site, all you have to do is choose your location, time, and view, and MyStarsLive will generate a star map of the skies above your home. |
The chart identifies stars, planets, constellations, and galaxies and even warns you about upcoming events like eclipses, asteroids, and meteor showers. Don't wish upon a falling star without it! | 
Entropia Perhaps you've heard about SETI's (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) recently initiated project to harness millions of unused megahertz on PCs around the globe to assist its search for an extraterrestrial organism with a ham radio. If SETI didn't excite you, perhaps Entropia will light you up. Like SETI, Entropia offers software to convert your unused computing power into potential solutions to worldwide problems. |
 go there... |
You can help medical researchers, protect the environment, or explore the limits of human knowledge, and all you have to do is download the free software. The Entropia community has generated more than 700 million research hours, so here's your opportunity to use existing resources to help save the world. Do you hear that cheesy Michael Jackson tune, "Heal the World," too? We thought so. |