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AerOhio Skydiving Center If you are tired of having to wait for the occasional boogie or appearance of a turbine airplane at your DZ, you should visit the AerOhio Skydiving Center in Rittman, Ohio. The dropzone, owned by Tim and Sherry Butcher, has had a full time Caravan or Otter since 1997. All of their aircraft are maintained to FAR Part 135 standards and all of their pilots complete FAA Part 135 approved recurrency training annually.
 © 2001 AerOhio Skydiving Center
AerOhio Skydiving has purchased one of the fastest Super Otters in the country. There are only two other Otters flying jumpers presently that are powered with the 750 hp PT6-34 engines. Both of them are located on the west coast. These are the same engines that are on Mike Mullins' awesome King Air. You can imagine what they will do on a Twin Otter. The airplane is presently undergoing the conversion and will be flying full time at AerOhio by Memorial Day weekend or maybe sooner.
The dropzone offers several organizers for belly flyers of all skill levels. They have hired Joe Lunardi, one of the best freeflyers in the region, as a full-time freefly organizer. You can jump with any of these people for free every weekend. |
 Photo © 2001 AerOhio Skydiving Center |
AerOhio supplies free beer every Saturday, and offers free camping, hot showers, a free bunkhouse, indoor carpeted packing, shaded creeping, a great fire pit, free pizza nights and many other amenities. An experienced manifest staff with bar-coded manifesting, plenty of packers, aircraft loaders, and just plain good organization, will get you in the air as often as you like. Efficiency is their goal and they are flying more loads here than any DZ in the Great Lakes region. |
AerOhio's events schedule is quite full this year including three Great Lakes Skydiving League Meets and the NSL America's Cup Playoffs. They have a skills camp with Dan BC and numerous scrambles meets. Their 4th of July Boogie is featuring a 50-way invitational to be flown from their Super Otter and a CSS Casa along with Brian Germain and Joe Lunardi for the freeflyers. The also have a No-Frills Labor Day Boogie planned. A Skydiving.Com boogie is also in the works for later in the season and Performance Designs will be there with demos and more. For students, they have a full-time staff of 16 AFF instructors, 12 tandem instructors, 22 USPA coaches and eight Skydive University coaches. The dropzone owns 30 Cypres-equipped, dual square rigs, all with ZP mains and BOC throw-outs available both for students and as rentals. |
 Photo © 2001 AerOhio Skydiving Center |
They have already adapted their program to exceed the new ISP. If you want to learn more about this program, give them a call! Starting over the next few months, they are implementing free video on AFF training dives for all of their students. After they phase in more video equipment and train all of their AFF people, you will receive video included at no extra cost on all of your upper level training dives. The value of this to the student is priceless in more ways than one. |
If you are interested in obtaining ratings, they have prepped nearly all of their current AFF people for the AFF course over the last six years. They have an 85 percent pass rate of the people whom they have prepared. They have one AFF designated evaluator with pre-course authority, two Vector Examiners, one Strong Examiner, two Master Riggers, seven Senior Riggers and several AFF Instructors who love to prep candidates - that is how they got so many. |
The dropzone is located in Ohio, less than one hour from Cleveland, 90 minutes from Columbus, two hours from Pittsburgh or Toledo, and three hours from Detroit or Dayton. You can reach them at 1-800-FREEFALL in OH, WV and PA or 1-800-SKYDIVE in Ohio only. Other areas can call 330-925-3483. Check out their website at If you would like to be on their email list, just send them your email address to |
 Photo © 2001 AerOhio Skydiving Center |
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