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New Owner at Ventures Skydiving
Air Ventures Skydiving in Rome, Georgia, is now Atlanta Air Sportz. Sandor Vali and Ron Green are the new owners. Over the next couple of months many changes will be made at Atlanta Air Sportz including the additional covered packing area as well as a huge observation deck and a new big building. Other additions include the completion of the swoop pond, a full service rigging loft as well as other additions specifically for the "up-jumper". They will also be providing packing classes as well as license prep classes on a regular basis. USPA certification courses will be announced soon. Check out their new website at www.airsportz.com. It is still under construction so be patient, however, if you have comments or suggestions please let them know.
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Asiania Parachuting Federation Notice
by Faye Cox - asiania@bigpond.com
5TH Asiania Parachuting Championships and 6th Asiania Annual General Meeting - 2001
Please be advised that Korea is not able to host this year's event. China will now be conducting the 5th Asiania Championships and 6th Annual General Meeting at Zhongshan during the October period. If you are interested in attending these championships, please advise me and I will arrange for China to forward exact dates, official invitations, entry forms and details, etc., to you as soon as possible. Separate notification has been forwarded to all Asiania member organizations and we hope for a full attendance. Sincere apologies for the delay with this advice due to several factors beyond our control. Your participation will be most welcome.
Sincerely, Faye Cox (Asiania Sec/Gen)
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News from the Canadian Sport Parachute Association
National Teams Selection - 2002 S"A World Cup Of Champions. Slovakia has been selected as the organizers of the 2002 S"A World Cup of Champions to be held in Lucenec on July 25 to August 3, 2002. In the event that there is no CSPA Nationals held in 2001, the performances of our S"A team at the WAG 2001 in Spain, shall be used for selection of those S"A competitors (male champion and female champion) wishing to represent us in 2002.
National Teams Selection - Mondial 2003 France will be the organizers of World Championships in all disciplines (except Para-Ski) in 2003. These WPCs will take place at Gap-Tallard Airport on September 7 to 14, 2003. As CSPA selects our National Teams one year in advance, performances at the 2002 CSPA National Championships will be used for team selection.
National Team Selection - 2003 Para-Ski World Championships The Slovenian Parachute Association have been chosen to organize the 2003 Para- Ski WPC in Bohinjska Bistrica, Kobla in February 11 to 16, 2003. As CSPA selects our National Teams one year in advance, performances at the 2002 CSPA National Para-Ski Championships will be used for team selection.
2002 Para-Ski And Summer Nationals Those parties interested in hosting either the CSPA 2002 Para-Ski or Summer Nationals should be aware that the first deadline for bids is April 30, 2001 for Para-Ski and August 31, 2001 for the Summer Nationals. Interested parties can obtain further information and a "hosting manual" from the CSPA Web site, the CSPA office or the committee chair Joe Ablitt.
National Teams To Spain Now would be a great time to make that donation in support of our S"A, CF and FS teams representing Canada in Spain in June. With 38 competitors in training and readying themselves to go off and compete, they can use all the support they can get. Please send your generous donations to CSPA and specifically state that you want your donation to go to your favorite team.
Check out their website at www.cspa.ca.
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