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(continued) Training for Polly's Flying Scholarships is held in America and South Africa, where the better weather enables continuity of training over the six-week scholarship period. The fact that the trainees are also away from their home environment and must now fend for themselves in a foreign country also contributes to the challenge, because this, in itself, is confidence building. To achieve the goal of learning to fly, the course is made up of intensive daily ground school and 40 hours of flying time.
A number of Flying Scholarships each year were donated by the late King Hussein of Jordan, and the Jordanian royal family continues to support this cause. The remaining funds come from companies, family trusts and individuals. The annual scholarships available can vary in number between 10 and 14 each year. However, because there are over 200 applicants each year, Polly realized there were many others who would benefit if more funds could be raised, so her current project was born! |
You can watch and read about Polly's progress on her website,, which chronicles her flight. Her diary entries make very interesting reading. And, of course, if anyone wishes to contribute to the cause, you may do so here. If you live in the U.K. and wish to apply for a scholarship, please contact: Martin Abbott, The Principal, Royal International Air Tattoo Flying Scholarships for the Disabled, Leonard's Brook Cottage, 1 Old Hill, Avening, Tetbury, Gloucestershire GL7 4DY. Telephone 01453 833481. |
 Young Rotarians greet Polly in Pago Pago |
Polly Vacher is well on her way to reaching her goal. We will all enjoy her adventure as it unfolds and wish her well at her success! Photo © 2001 |