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BASE Jumps from German TV Tower
For the first time BASE jumpers were allowed to jump from the TV tower in Stuttgart, Germany on July 14. German BASE jumper Klaus Renz and nine other jumpers from Germany, France and England leaped from the 150 meter high observation deck of the tower. They were watched by 4000 enthusiastic spectators who were invited to a summer fest by the "Südwestfunk" radio station. All jumpers landed safely. Klaus Renz plans to jump from the Eiger North Face, an 1800 meter [5900 feet] cliff in the Swiss Alps.
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Skyflics.com Video Service
Skyflics.com is a new service for camera flyers in Miami. This internet company is owned by Orlando San Miguel. He offers video gear and accessories like lenses, c-clamps, camera condoms, Sony support products, tapes, computer editing software and hardware, helmets and fire wires. The website also hosts a video artist's forum where videographers may display their work. San Miguel also offers the Ghost Flyer video series. Jumpers can download and display three-to-four-minute segments to promote themselves or sell their work. The samples will be free to view on the web, but San Miguel hopes to compile a series of best-ofs that can be downloaded to help pay artists a small royalty. You can reach San Miguel at osmsky@msn.com or (305)274-9330.
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USPA BOD Meeting Highlights
[Source: www.USPA.org
On July 20-22 the USPA Board of Directors met in Alexandria, Virginia. As soon as the minutes of the meeting have been prepared by the Secretary and reviewed by the Board, they will be posted on the home page. In the meantime, here are a few highlights:
The 2002 U.S. National Skydiving Championships will be conducted at Skydive Chicago in Ottawa, IL, and the Paraski Nationals will be held at the Ranch Parachute Club in Gardiner, NY.
The quorum for USPA General Membership Meetings has been reduced from 50.1% of the membership entitled to cast votes either in person or by proxy to 10%. The Board adopted a new and more stringent Conflict of Interests policy for its Directors.
Dave DeWolf was selected to be the next recipient of the USPA Gold Medal for service.
The BIC and Coach Courses have been combined into a single course effective January 1, 2002.
All USPA Jumpmasters are now USPA Instructors to include all non-method specific privileges, authorities, and qualifications currently assigned to AFF, IAD and Static Line Instructor ratings, as well as the method specific privileges associated with that of USPA Instructor rating. (Details will follow in an S&T Newsletter.)
All current USPA instructional rating holders must exhibit air skills to the level of the Coach by December 31, 2002.
The instructional rating hierarchy has been restructured to include three levels [only]: Coach, Instructor and Instructor/Examiner.