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Learn about upcoming competitions and championships worldwide. Check out the schedule of the month and get the latest results, stories and pictures. | More competitions on pages [1] [2] [3]
2000 U.S. Collegiate Championships December 27 - 30, 2000Skydive Lake Wales in Florida will host the 2000 U.S. Collegiate Championships of FS 4-way and 2-way, style and accuracy, December 27 to 30. The competition registration fee will be $100 per person in addition to jump prices shown below:
4 Way - Four Rounds from 10,000 ft. The dive pool will be drawn from the Competition Manual, Section 7-1. $15/ticket.
2 Way - Three Rounds from 10,000 ft.The dive pool will be drawn from the Competition Manual, Section 7-1. $15/ticket
Freefall Style - Three Rounds from 7,000 ft. As according to the rules in the Competition Manual, Section 7-1. $11/ticket.
Individual Accuracy - Four Rounds from 3,000 ft. As according to the rules in the Competition Manual, Section 7-1. $9/ticket.
Registration will close on Tuesday, December 26, at 4:00pm. Competition will be Wednesday, December 27 through Saturday, December 30. (Sunday the 31st is being held as a weather day.) The Awards Banquet will be on Saturday, December 30. Awards and prizes will be presented to the winners during a sit-down dinner.
The Dive Pool can be downloaded at The full collegiate rules can be found in the Skydiver's Competition Manual available for free download or for sale at the USPA Online Store. For more information contact Skydive Lake Wales at (863) 678-1003. |

Australian National Championships December 27, 2000 - January 3, 2001The Australian National Championships in Formation Skydiving, Canopy Relative Work, Freestyle, Freefly and Skysurfing will be held at the Rambler's Parachute Club in Toogoolawah, Southeast Queensland. Ramblers Drop Zone is a purpose-built skydivers dropzone, approximately a 1-1/2 hour drive northwest of Brisbane.
The OmniScore system will again be in place for the competition. Several more screens will be mounted throughout the dropzone for the duration, with the main viewing area in the lounge room of the Clubhouse. Boogie jumpers are more than welcome and catered for with load organizers in RW and freeflying. Jumps will be from 14,000 feet.
A formal medal presentation ceremony is planned for early evening New Years Eve. And then the big New Year's Eve Party begins! The Toogoolawah Skydivers Club is hosting, organizing and underwriting the extravaganza once again and is planning on outdoing last year's effort. This particular New Year's Eve is going to be something special. The band will rock until midnight and then a local New Year's Eve jump will take place accompanied by a big fireworks display...then the Rave Party will kick in and go 'til dawn!
Aircraft and pilot will be available for jumps all night. All New Year's Eve jumps must be pre-paid, are non-refundable, and you must be sober. There will be no refunds, no ring-ins, and no last minute bookings. There will be a breathalyzer at the aircraft and there will be ZERO TOLERANCE or no jump, and no refund. So, book your New Year's Eve night jumps now! All jumps that night are $75 to 14,000 feet. On Saturday, January 1, the 10-Way Speed Star competition will take place at 10.00 AM, and it is expected that a large crowd of public will attend. Another band has been booked for Saturday evening and the party will go on...
For more information check out | 
8th World Championships in Para-Ski 2001 March 13-18, 2001In January 2000, at the 51st General Meeting of the FAI/IPC in Canberra, Australia, the
German Aero Club, together with the German Parachute Association, were elected to host the Eighth World Championships in Para-Ski 2001. IPC and the hosts are looking forward to welcoming teams from all FAI/IPC member countries at the Para-Ski World Championship 2001 in the Municipality of Mittelberg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria. Mittelberg is located 120 km southwest of Munich and 100 km northwest of Innsbruck. |
 go there... |
Aircraft for the event will be Helicopter, Bell 407 or Lama. The competition activities will take place near the station of the Kanzelwand cable car in the center of Riezlern (Accuracy target area). The ski races will take place at the top station of Kanzelwand. The qualification run and the giant slaloms will be carried out on the same course. Transportation to and from the hotels in Riezlern and to the competition venue is not necessary because all sites are very close together and are within walking distance.
The OC requests from all competitors a valid FAI Sporting License 2001 and a valid parachuting license. Each participating country should also bring a national flag (size: 100 cm x 150 cm) and a tape with the national anthem. The Organizing Committee will do their best to host and organize a first-class Para-Ski World Championship, and will follow all official FAI/IPC rules and regulations.
All correspondence regarding the "World Championship 2001 in Para-Ski" should be directed to:
Organizing Committee, Para-Ski Competition 2001
c/o Mr. Helmut Bastuck
Comotorstrasse 5, D-66802, Ueberherrn, Germany
Phone ++49-6836-92307, Fax ++49-6836-92308
Additional information (download detailed rules, latest news, entries etc.) is available at the DFV's website at or at the FAI website at
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