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This page will provide you with the latest news from the SSI Pro Tour and a calendar of Freeflying and Skysurfing events worldwide. |
December 2000 ESPN pulls the plug on skysurfing at the X-Games!Dear Friends,
After six years, fourteen pro events, a record event purse of $75,000, an overall cash total of $392,000 and 100+ hours of global TV exposure, ESPN has decided to pull the plug on skysurfing or any other form of skydiving in the X-Games. |
 read more on the SSI web site... |
The decision has little to do with our sport being good or bad, TV ratings or event costs. It has more to do with being "different" and the fact that our sport just doesn't have the million+ participants perceived by most sponsors as an "automatic consumer base." Skysurfing is being replaced by downhill BMX bicycle racing.
The decision to drop the sky element certainly has nothing to do with the incredible athleticism, professionalism or commitment shown by Skysurfing & Freefying athletes or the SSI staff at past events.
SSI still has the unique ability, contacts and experience to produce a complete televised event package for a major sponsor or network. And we have more experience at this than anyone on the planet.
Unfortunately, without a major televised event or sponsor to keep the SSI props turning, it's just not possible to sit on the ramp with the engines running. Thanks for your support over the years.
Blue Skies and Safe Landings, Pete McKeeman
Read the 2001-02 X-Games Press Release!
Tell the ESPN guys what you think by Email! 
Check out the Freefly and Skysurf Events 2001 worldwide at the Event's Page! |
