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Vol. 15 - December 2000 / January 2001 - English Edition The Magazine from Skydive World


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On this monthly page we feature whatever you can think of or what you might suggest to us. These suggestions can be about people, teams, drop zones, software, books, videos, games, and...and...


Robbie Culver's Skydreams

On May 11, 2001, this month's featured cameraflyer, Robbie Culver will celebrate 16 years in skydiving, and still loves it! Robbie's home dropzone is Chicagoland Skydiving in Hinckley, Illinois, and as he states, he loves the place for its vibes, lack of politics, and the laid-back atmosphere. He has very close to 3,000 jumps, and almost 2000 of them are with a camera or three attached!

Photo © 2000 Robbie Culver
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When asked about his most memorable project, Robbie tells us, "Without a doubt I am most fond of my work with Roger Ponce's Color Concepts - starting in 1995 all the way to this year's WFFC, I have been shooting for Roger whenever and wherever possible. He gave me my first real chance flying camera and some of my favorite photos are of dives he organized in Color Concepts suits.
As far as projects, a favorite is my 1999 "First Jar" video for Chicagoland Skydiving. It was the best video I ever made, and it was done in three and a half days of madness - it is stunning, to this day. And, of course, my first and, thus far, only boogie video - Lost Prairie 1999. Another awesome opportunity. I loved the vibes there and the cooperation the cameraflyers shared. Another favorite is this past year's Dan BC Airspeed skills camp at Hinckley. Also, the cover shot I got in August 2000 was a first (Yes i bought beer thank you!) and is a memorable one - it will always be special to me, as the following week the Otter crashed, and killed the pilot. It was a tough irony to take.
For hobbies, Robbie enjoys spending time with his wife, Brenda, who he married on the dropzone on a 5-minute call, and their DZ Doggy, Quincy, as well as videoing Brenda's hockey games.
Robbie Culver believes that photography is more than capturing an instant. It is a literal time machine and acts as a window into the reality of our world. Skydiving is such an incredibly beautiful sport that shooting video and still images is, for him, now a part of the experience. Robbie says, "I can no more imagine skydiving without photography than I can life without skydiving".
Robbie's website is intended to provide new skydiving photographers a source of information, links, and equipment tips. And you can find much information on skydiving photography here and certainly quiet a few of Robbie's photos.
Visit his site at

© 2000 by Robbie Culver       © 2000 by Robbie Culver

Photos © 2000 by Robbie Culver


"Beyond Extreme" BASE Video

Don't miss this opportunity to get your hands on the most extreme BASE jumping video ever seen. TOMAR Entertainment, a group of professional skydivers and videographers dedicated to pushing back the frontiers of extreme aerial sports and capturing these moments of human endeavor for your viewing pleasure, has traveled the world to film and perform some of the most amazing BASE jumping ever! There are hundreds of CRAZY jumps sharply and professionally edited into a 60-minute tape. Music is from Australian bands, Diplomatic Immunity, The Living End and BodyJar from EMI Music Australia, and Drop Weight. Get ready for some hard pumping action!

Beyond Extreme BASE Video
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TOMAR features the work of Tom Begic and Dwain Weston. In "Beyond Extreme", TOMAR Entertainment crosses the boundaries of human endeavor to bring you such sights as loooong freefalls from the worlds biggest cliffs, world records for most jumpers, lowest openings, longest cliff surfs, low-opening competitions - will their jumpers survive or will they die? Incredible aerobatic BASE skysurfing, BASE jumping personalities, interviews, and short stories; comedy jumps. This video will also take you to the dark side and show some cliff strikes and bad landings.
With everything from birdmen, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, building, bridge, antenna, and cliff jumps to quarter second parachute rides, cutaways, tandems, as well as scenes from other extreme sports! You name it, this video has it! Looking for an adrenaline rush? Visit to order your copy today!

© 2000 by Tom Begic       © 2000 by Tom Begic

Photos © 2000 by Tom Begic

The LeadBelly

Lilac Hayes from Skydive City in Zephyrhills, Florida, invented the LeadBelly after years of carrying weight around for skydiving. A National Level Champion in Skydiving, Lilac has built and tested many weight systems over the years. Now this product is the output of those years of work.
The LeadBelly is a weight belt that can be worn on the outside of the jumpsuit around the waist. NO MORE sore shoulders, NO MORE tight jumpsuits that restrict movement, NO MORE struggling to peel your jumpsuit off before taking off that heavy weight vest after a jump! Great for a busy team training schedule!

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Arlo and Michelle pose with their LeadBelly Belts

Arlo and Michelle pose
with their LeadBelly Belts.

Pockets hold weight pouches that are removable so you can vary the weight. Flat weights in the back and side pockets sit comfortably under the rig, Bulky weights in the front add to a "belly bulge" with aerodynamics that help increase fall rate so less weight needs to be used. Weights around the waist make holding a chest high position easier for 4/8 way. Ease of adding or removing weights (on the ground or in the airplane) makes it user friendly, and it can be taken off quickly and jettisoned when under a tiny reserve or over water.
The belt holds up to 14-16 pounds and comes in different sizes. Custom sizing is also available to accommodate smaller or larger waist dimensions, more weight capacity or to hold odd-size weights that you already have. Each LeadBelly is handmade to your specification and your specific weight needs.
For more information check out

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