Chris Welker My name is Chris Welker and I am running for the position to be YOUR Southern Region Director. I won't bother with giving you a bunch of political Yak, Yak and telling you what you want to hear.
The Regional Directors position is about serving the MEMBERSHIP FIRST. If our association does not start serving our membership better another association could or will. If you have an issue that needs resolving with the USPA you shouldn't have to make a bunch of phone calls to do it. You need to call the Regional Director, explain the situation then let him/her take of it from there. A little bit of CUSTOMER SERVICE could go a long way in our association.
My commitment to the Southern Region Members is a simple one, To give you the BEST SERVICE that you deserve as a USPA member,and to assist in making skydiving more FUN!
Please exercise you right to VOTE! If you have questions regarding specific issues please e-mail me at
Blue Ones, Chris Welker
Chris Welker's statement on the rec.skydiving newsgroup October 31, 20000.
I have received questions regarding my relationship with Mike Mullins and those of having some hidden agenda.
Lets set the record straight once and for all.
Yes, I am Mike Mullins' Drop Zone Manager at West Tennessee Skydiving when he and the Super KingAir are away.My girlfriend Judy Miracle also assists me with those duties.
If elected my duties as acting DZ manager would be passed to Judy. If you were at the past Halloween BOOgie you know that she can handle the job.She also has a good staff to work with also.
If elected to be YOUR Southern Region Director I have planned an aggressive travel scheduled to see every Drop Zone located in the Region at least once a year. I have in the past traveled to many of the Drop Zones located in the Southern Region including Paris, Tn.,Tullahoma, Tn. McMinnville, Tn.(Marvin's Boogie), Moss Point, Ms., Elberta , Al.and Pell City, Al. In addition to the Drop Zones in my Region I have had the privilege to fly out of town with Mike Mullins to jump with and meet new skydiving friends at Drop Zones all over the country. I also travel out West during the Winter when the jumping is slow in the South so I can learn new skills to share with other jumpers.
If elected I would like to assist the DZO's while visting at their DZ's doing Tandems ( Vector Rated) video or Rw coaching (I love 4-way) I will be attending the AFF Jumpmaster Cert. Course at WTS May 19-27,2001 hopefully getting the rating so I could assist with AFF too hopefully.I am a active jumper who loves to be in the sky with students or experienced skydivers.
I traveled to Alexandria, Va. this past summer to attend the BOD's meeting. Judy and I were the only 2 regular members out of 34,000+ present. I feel like if you are going to be doing a job you might as well find out what is really going on. While there I learned how the GOOD OLE' BOY I mean committee systems works and how the association actually functions. I also was able to pave the way so WTS could host a USPA AFF JMCC. I had been asking our current Director for over a year to assist me in getting this done. He told me that the BOD would never let it happen. Glenn Bangs then the Director of Safety & Training told me the same thing. Bottom line... if you would like to earn your AFFJM rating you may like to attend May 19-27,2001 at WTS. I was able to work within the structure of USPA and accomplish this task.
As far as my qualifications, I started jumping at WTS June 12, 1996.That first rush of adrenaline was life altering.I have poured my soul into my home DZ to make it place where jumpers want to be Blue Skies or gray.Being a DZ manager and small business owner I can understand the position of a DZO.I am a CURRENT rated Vector T/M, Videographer, published Aerial Photographer, and Director of the WTS Halloween BOOgie for the past 2 years. I currently reside in Collierville, Tn. located 10 east of Memphis, Tn. where I own an automotive detail shop.
This election is not a personality contest to me. This election is not about Old School or New School. It is about representing the MEMBERS of the Southern Region and getting the job done the he or she is entrusted to do by the membership.I know that if I am elected that all my decisions will not be popular and some members may become upset with me. I am willing to take that chance if it means establishing a new standard of leadership and service for the members of the Southern Region. Blue Ones, Chris Welker

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