"Peak Performance" Wind Tunnel Camp  Ex-Golden Knight and World Champion "Joe Trinko" and Z-Hills own "BoXman" are putting together a "Peak Performance" wind tunnel camp at the Skyventure Wind Tunnel in Orlando, Florida. Joe has approximately 2000 hours of tunnel time at Ft. Bragg, and BoXmann has worked at Skyventure Wind Tunnel for 1 1/2 years as an instructor and coach.
Dates: January 19-21, 2000
Tunnel Times:
9:00 am-11:30 am Friday 19
9:00 am-11:30 am Saturday 20
9:00 am-12:00 pm Sunday 21
Includes: 1 hour of tunnel time per person over the three day period. Each person will fly approximately 20 min per day.
Classroom time: Each day following tunnel time we will have full debriefs and many different topics of discussion to bring you to your "Peak Performance".
Tunnel time: $500.00
Coaching: $345.00
Total: $845.00
This camp is based on eight participants. Slots are filling up quickly so act now. Contact BoXman for registration at boxorg@aol.com. 
Basic Instructional Course  A Basic Instructional Course will be held February 17-18 (Saturday-Sunday) at Skydive Houston in Waller, Texas. Any interested parties may respond to Mike Turoff at miketjumps@aol.com. 
Basic Instructional Course 
A BIC will be held at Atlanta Skydiving Center
Who: Any USPA Member with a B License and a completed Candidate Registration Form (found in the BIC student packet, see below) and $50.00 course fee.
What: USPA Basic Instructional Course
Where: Atlanta Skydiving Center in Cedartown, GA, phone 770-684-2213
When: January 27 and 28, 2001 (last weekend in January), Course starts at 8 a.m. on Saturday
Why: Allows you to take a USPA rating course and become a USPA Instructor, tandem master, or the new Coach rating.
For further information contact Mark Kalupa by email at Mark@Kalupa.com or by phone at
(678) 222-1138 Atlanta area, (512) 415-7232 Cell. 
Basic Instructional Course  There will be a BIC course held at Skydive San Marcos in Texas February 24th and 25th, Course Director will be Wade Woolfry. The cost of the course is $75.00 and it is necessary for you to order the BIC course packet from USPA. Call 512-488-2214 to reserve your slot. Or E- Mail Wade at wadew@gte.net Skydive San Marcos will also be running a Relative Workshop Tandem Certification Course late March or early April. 
Basic Instructional Course  There will be a Basic Instructor Course at AerOhio Skydiving Center in Rittman, Ohio February 24 - 25. Cost is $50 for the course and $25 for USPA Course materials. You must have a B-license to qualify.
Please call 330-925-5867 or email aerohio2@aol.com to register. 
Basic Instructional Course  Skydive Orange in Orange, VA is hosting a BIC course on January 27/28.
Costs: $75 for course + $25 for materials. $50 deposit must be received by 12/31 to hold slot and secure course price (+$10 if not pre-registered). Send to address below. Bring gear to jump our Otter during breaks!
For more info contact:
Teresha Thames (T Square) by email at teresha@cstone.net or by phone at
804.244.2484 or visit the Skydive Orange website. 
AFF Certification Course West Tennessee Skydiving will be hosting an AFF Certification Course May 19-27, 2001. The course is limited to 25 candidates so register early with USPA. West Tennessee Skydiving is a modern dropzone where you can stay overnight. All AFF candidates are more than welcome to live at the DZ during the course. Their aircraft will be the Dave Paschall "Super" Cessna 195 (aka "The Chuck Wagon") and The Mike Mullins "Super" KingAir. They have three air conditioned and heated classrooms, scale aircraft mock-ups located inside the hanger, 3600 sq.ft. indoor packing, lots of creeper space inside the hanger, and video equipment. For more information on the DZ check out www.jumpelvis.com or e-mail Chris Welker at Christopher_Welker@hotmail.com. 
Senior Rigger Course A Senior Rigger course will be held at Skydive Chicago in Illinois February 23 through March 2, 2000. There will be good availability of modern sport rigs from a variety of manufacturers and good access to sewing machines. Call 815-434-6094 for more info, or e-mail Kirk@SkydiveChicago.COM. Slots are going fast.
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