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Skydive Spaceland is building a swoop ditch
Skydive Spaceland in Rosharon near Houston, Texas, is building a new swoop ditch. One of the things that makes this new Spaceland ditch so interesting is it will now be considered a swoop park, allowing for multiple courses and professional competition. "Swoop park" means that Skydive Spaceland has more than one man-made body of water used for the purpose of canopy swooping. The dropzone has a round 200-foot swoop pond and the new 300-foot linear swoop ditch being built. The new swoop ditch is co-located with their swoop pond several hundred feet from the main hanger.
If everything works out as predicted, Skydive Spaceland`s new swoop park could possibly be home to a Pro Canopy Tour stop or even a tour championship during the 2001/2002 season. Additional information and questions regarding swoop parks, swoop competitions, the E.C.P.A (Extreme Canopy Pilot`s Association) or the Pro Tour can be obtained by contacting TheSwoopZone@excite.com
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Results of the British Parachute Association's Council election
by Craig Poxon - www.poxon.org/Craig/Skydive
The British Parachute Association voted it's new council in January 2001. 677 ballots were returned, 64 were invalid, leaving 613 valid. The following are the names of the 15 members who have been elected to Council: Lesley Gale, Chris Allen, Paul Applegate, David Hickling, John Smyth, Kieran Brady, Ian Midgley, John Saunders, Donna Crum, Tim Andrewes, Ian Marshall, Christine Clements, Lofty Thomas, Craig Poxon, Carl Williams.
Chris Allen is, again, the Chairman of the BPA. John Smyth challenged Kieran Brady for the Vice-Chair and after a secret ballot of the new Council the position was offered to John Smyth which he accepted. I believe that John Saunders continues to be the chair for the STC sub-committee and John Smyth with Competitions.
Lesley Gale challenged Kieran Brady for the Chair of Communications. After a secret ballot of the new Council the position was offered to Kieran Brady which he accepted. I don't know the counts for either of the secret ballots, only the results.
I will be sitting on the Development and Communications sub-committees, and also will be sharing the responsibility of Southern Club Representative with Chris Allen. Thanks to those of you put there who voted for me. I hope I don't disappoint!
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New Zealand's new jump plane
Skydiving schools looking for the latest and greatest in jump planes may want to look down under. New Zealand's Pacific Aerospace Corporation (PAC) said that it is developing the 750 XL, a PT6 turboprop-powered follow-on to its Cresco, also a turbine-powered single. PAC says its rugged-looking 750 XL will be optimized for skydiving operations, with the ability to carry 17 parachutists from sea level to 14,000 feet, let them jump, and then descend and land, all within only 15 minutes. The 750 XL's first flight is set for March 2001, with Civil Aviation Authority certification expected to follow soon after.
Source: AvWeb [www.avweb.com]
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New DZ in Victoria, Australia
Total Control Skydivers opened their new dropzone January 6, 2001, at Colac Airfield, Victoria, approximately 1.5 hours (135km) from Melbourne. It is located in the surf coast shire, and Colac has all the modern conveniences, plus a huge lake. A "Fun& friendly atmosphere" is what they are aiming for. For more information check out their website.