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On this monthly page we feature whatever you can think of or what you might suggest to us. These suggestions can be about people, teams, drop zones, software, books, videos, games, and...and... |
Henny Wiggers' Parashoot Productions Dutch skydiving photographer Henny Wiggers, owner of Parashoot Productions, has been jumping for over 20 years with almost 8,500 jumps to his credit, half of them were camera jumps. As Henny told us, he likes every aspect of the sports and all disciplines, but Canopy Formation and Para-Ski are special to him. He participated in everything since '85 except classic style, FS 4 & 8, Freestyle, Skysurfing, Para-Ski, Speed Skydiving, Freeflying, Birdsuit Jumps and Accuracy. He considers himself as an all-round skydiving cameraman that can make special shots because he is practicing all disciplines on a serious level. |
Henny was one of the camera flyers of the World Team 1999 which set a new formation world record with a 282-way over Ubon Rachathani in Thailand last year in December. As some of his most memorable project he named the North Pole Skydiving Trip in 1993, some very nice BASE jumps and several commercials with a 35mm film camera (Condom over Arizona, Skysurfing out of a balloon over Switzerland, Freestyle/Skysurfing over Corsica, FS 8 over Spain).
On July 20, with the Red Bull Birdman Challenge Team, Henny flew from the Island Texel in Holland over the Marsdiep to the mainland, which is a distance of about four kilometers (2,5 miles). Henny states, "For skydivers with a wing suit that's nothing special but for whuffo's very spectacular, and this was done for a one-hour TV program only about this jump. It'll be broadcast throughout Europe, the premiere is August 17 for the Dutch TV".
As Henny told us, right now he is training with his Canopy Formation team CF Teuge and their Russian coach, and they have an intensive program to reach their goal -- a medal at the World Air Games 2001 in Spain.
Among other things, for future projects, Henny is working on a very radical video about 4-way CF with many different angles from inside the formation. Several shootings for TV about different subjects in Skydiving, like Speedskydiving and some Birdman Challenges coverage will follow. Although he is recovering from a broken heel, there is still a slight chance that he can get the qualification at the upcoming Dutch Nationals for the World Meet Accuracy in Japan. So, he's still in the race and might go.
Fine site design and great graphics are the first things you will notice when you visit Henny's brand new web site. The site is a visual treat with its fine use of current Internet 'bells and whistles' to showcase his vast photographic skills. Although the site still has some areas "under construction", Henny tells us to keep checking back often, as new content will be added very soon. Among other things, you can expect to find content featuring shots from Henny's camera work for the Red Bull Birdman Challenge. Our suggestion? Bookmark Henny's site and plan on making repeat visits to keep tabs on the exciting work of this very talented cameraflyer!

Photos by Henny Wiggers © 2000 |

Skydive Palatka Skydive Palatka in Florida celebrates it's fifth anniversary this month. On August 22, 1995, the folks at Palatka flew their first load from their only airplane, and their facilities consisted of nothing more than a few folding chairs and a single card table set in the shade of a big tree. Today the drop zone boasts a regular full-time fleet of four airplanes, including a Beech King Air capable of hauling skydivers quickly to 13,500 feet. |
 go there...
They are also the winter home of the world famous "Mr. Douglas" DC-3, which will return in October to fly at Skydive Palatka's annual Halloween Hog-Flop boogie. Their new facilities are first class. They have a modern, climate controlled building housing manifest, the drop zone's fully stocked retail store, a training room/skydiver lounge equipped with microwave, VCR, and satellite television, restroom facilities, and video editing room. Outside, they have a large, covered and carpeted packing area, creeper pad, and lots of room to relax. Their landing area is huge and flat, and they use a highly visible Airblade in the landing area to indicate wind direction. They just installed a large, new pea gravel pit at the DZ, and built new aircraft mock-ups.
Camping on the dropzone is free, and all are welcome to join in at the barbecue or evening bonfire. Skydive Palatka is an especially scenic DZ. From the air, both the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico are visible on clear days, and the big St. John's River meanders through historic downtown Palatka below. The DZ's location and the big airport landing area luckily provides an unobstructed view of the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets to be seen anywhere.
Skydive Palatka is owned and operated by Winnie Sunderland and long-time skydiver and commercial pilot Michael Rouse. Both partners opened the drop zone with the goal of creating a fun place for skydivers to safely participate in this exciting sport, free from DZ politics and impersonal customer relations.
Skydive Palatka's new web site hopes to enhance this mission by extending a welcome to the beginner or experienced skydiver. Their new site is pretty hefty by definition with tons of content! At the opener, the Skydive Palatka site offers three choices: Future skydivers, Experienced Skydivers, and Event Coordinators. Once inside from any starting point, you will find good content together with some fine photos--everywhere you see a photo on this site you can click to enlarge.
Although some areas of the Skydive Palatka site are still "under construction", enough interesting content is at hand to please the whuffo or seasoned skydiver. And the used gear store is a must-read for those in the market for equipment.
The crew at Skydive Palatka state on their site that their goal is to make sure your visit to Skydive Palatka is most enjoyable! These folks aim to please! |

1st BASE Extreme Video The first extreme sport video on BASE jumping, entitled "1st BASE" has been assembled by Norwegian BASE jumpers over a period of the last two years. Norway has more BASE jumpers per capita than any other country in the world, and Norwegian sites such as 'Trollveggen' (the Troll Wall) or Kjerang are routinely visited by adrenaline junkies from all over the world. The new video contains sequences of the Norwegian jumpers ripping off the tallest hotel in Oslo through a hotel room window, antennas, spans, mountain massives in Romsdalen, Lysefjorden, Voss and practically anything else that stretched high enough to jump from. |
 go there... |
The video also features unique footage from Asia and Europe, the first BASE jump from a building in China, and the first tandem jump off a mountain. The music track is by the Norwegian band 'Yelp' who are as passionate about their music as these base jumpers are about their sport!
The video is now released in Europe, and is available in Norway from Sport Extreme in Trondheim [], phone +47 73 84 82 10. Europe will be covered by the French distributor X-treme Video. For more information on where to purchase the video, contact X-treme Video at +33 (0)5 59 43 86 00 or by email at
For more information call Oyvind Rostad at (+47) 22 20 64 20, or send an email to |