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Learn about upcoming competitions and championships worldwide. Check out the schedule of the month and get the latest results, stories and pictures. | [Updated: August 5, 2000] Page 1 - For more competitions see Page 2 and Page 3
SSI Northeast Double-Header by Allen H. WilliamsThe Second Annual "Northeast Double-Header" Freefly/Skysurf Competition is hosted by Skydive New England & Skydive Cross Keys. It consists of two events both endorsed by SSI Pro Tour. The event starts with the Skydive New England SSI Free Fly and Skysurf Competition, August 26-27 at Skydive New England in Lebanon Maine, home of the fastest climbing jump ship in the North East. |
 © 2000 Skydive New England |
It is a low key SSI competition for teams to warm up or to get their first taste of SSI Free Fly competition in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Winners still get real SSI points from real SSI judges good for seeding towards the X Games but the prizes are smaller (no cash). This first weekend is followed by 5 week days of "tuning" up your routines, leading to the run for the money at the Pro Am at Cross Keys, NJ on Labor Day Weekend. This is the biggest free fly competition in the North East. These competitions are for everyone with an intermediate and advanced class. Many first year teams attend as well as seasoned pros. Teams such as Monkey Claw, Psycho Cirkus, Gravity Pirates, Psycho Kenisis, Gravity Flux, and Stir Fly are also expected to attend.
But there is more! After two competitions and a week of training, Freaks just wanna have fun! The now famous Monkey Claw Free Fly Jam starts right after the competition ends.
Official Competition Aircraft is a Super Otter. The entry fees is $30 per team member (plus jumps). The team discount is $2 per jump.
The first venue, Skydive New England, is a short drive to the beach as well as the beautiful White and Presidential Mountain ranges both prime vacation locations. Cross Keys is close to Philadelphia and Atlantic City. So consider taking a one week (ten days with Labor Day on Monday) free flying vacation to compete, to boogie, to remember. Hope to see you there, until then keep fly'n freaky.
For more information check out the following web sites: www.freefallad |

Space Games 2000 Season
Skydive America Palm Beach opens up the opportunity for all new freeflyers to compete in the Space Games by introducing a new class. The Space Games Open class will be for competitors with an Atmosphere Dolphin (AD) "A" license and those who have not placed in the Top 20 of last year's Space Games. Also new for the season: the Space Games will include both Freestyle and Skysurfing competitions. Competitors with a "B" license and/or those who have placed in the Top 20 will be able to compete only in the PRO class. |
 Photo © Bart Naert
Schedule of Events Summer 2000:
Sept 2 - 4 - Labor Day Vertical Relative Work skills camp II with Freefly Circus.
Sept 30 / Oct 1 - Freefly Vertical Relative Skills Camp III with Freefly Circus.
Nov 18 - 19 - Space Games Training Camp. Pro & Open classes.
Nov 23 - Dec 3 - Space Games 2000-01.
The Space Games continue with all the favorite competitions: Indy 500, A.D. Challenge and the Bermuda Tracking Race. But they are also adding the New Open Class, Skysurfing and Freestyle events this year. You've trained hard for the other three races but now you really need to kick it up a notch and show how good you really are! All events will be organized by Olav's Freefly Circus, The Captain and Dave Padyjasek. Visit their web site for more information at |

Speed 60-Way Competition
On Labor Day weekend, September 2-4, 2000, there will be a Speed 60-Way Competition at Skydive Elsinore, CA. With an exit altitude of 15,000 feet, the competition will be for three rounds. Each round will be done twice on Saturday. On Sunday competitors will improve on the lowest scoring round of the previous day. If competitors have jamming times & points, they'll do other 60-way dives. Cost per jump for the competition will be $22 with a total for 12 jumps of $264. Show time will start at 8 a.m. and competitors will have six dives per day.
To get on the load, email Jan Meyer at, and fill out the form at You then will be contacted.
For more information check out the following web sites: |
