This is it! We need everyone's help to get out the message and GO OFF on the vote!
The X Games will be broadcast Aug 19-26 on ABC, ESPN and ESPN2 initially, and eventually to over 320 million households in 21 language and 170 countries.
For details, scores, and new videos of all the Skysurf teams from the 2000 SSI Open go to * * *
SSI Skysurfing set for Roche Winery in Sonoma!June 15, 2000 - The stage for the richest event in skydiving history is now set for the Roche Carneros Estate Winery in Sonoma, CA. The winery has been selected to host the SSI Skysurfing competition within the 2000 X Games. The Super Otter from Skydive Monterey Bay will be returning as the Official Competition aircraft.
Roche Winery is known for producing premium chardonnay, merlot and pinot noir wines. The venue was selected for a combination of factors designed to make the sixth annual globally televised event the best ever. The dates of the Skysurfing event are August 9-14. The final two rounds will be broadcast on Saturday August 19, in a special 90 minute X Games show on ABC Wide World of Sports.
The X Games skate-centric events run Aug 17-22 on Pier 30-32 in the city of San Francisco. All events are tape delayed. The X Games will be broadcast Aug 19-26 on ABC, ESPN and ESPN2 initially, and eventually to over 320 million households in 21 language and 170 countries. * * *
SSI Skysurfing on ABC Wide World Of Sports!
X Games Skysurfing Final Two Rounds Slated for Special August 19 ABC Show!
Projected to be THE Largest Network TV Exposure in Skydiving History!June 12, 2000 - The final two rounds of SSI Skysurfing with the 2000 X Games are set to
be broadcast on Saturday August 19 in a special 90 minute X Games shows
within ABC Wide World of Sports. The decision was announced by Ron
Semiao, ESPN Programming Vice President and "father of the X Games."
The vastly greater number of viewers on ABC (ESPN's over the air network
partner) means this one broadcast will be the single largest network TV
exposure of skydiving in the sport's history.
The X Games week of original broadcasts begin Saturday August 19 and
concludes Saturday August 27. A total of 28 hours of original coverage
are scheduled via ABC, ESPN and ESPN2. * * *
Sixth round added to X Games
Final Two Rounds Slated for Special Aug 19 X Games ABC ShowJune 12, 2000 - To accommodate the broadcast coverage of the final field over two rounds of the event, a second finals round has been added to make the 2000 X Games competition a six round meet overall. Under the newly modified SSI Pro Skysurf Rules, all ten teams complete the four preliminary rounds. After the fourth round, the field is cut to the top five teams, who will now go on to make two more jumps, instead of one additional jump.
* * *
2000 SSI Open sets official field for X Games Seven Skysurf Teams Qualify for the Richest Event In Skydiving HistoryJune 5, 2000 - The Official Results are in from the 2000 SSI Virtual Open, where ten teams from six nations were vying for seven slots up for grabs at this year's SSI Skysurfing competition within the ESPN X Games. Judging took place June 3 with SSI Judges gathered both in person and online.
As most observers predicted, 98 X Games Gold Medalists Team Moscow (Valery Rozov and Clif Burch) lead the field from start to finish. However, it was team Phoenix (Tim Glas and Heiko Böger of Germany) that surprised many of the Judges by edging out many of the more experienced teams. Phoenix finished second with Cross Keys Inferno (Dave Briegs and Jack Baum) taking home the third place honors, with three more teams tightly packed behind them.
The seven teams qualifying from the SSI Open now join the three seeded medal winners from 1999 for the RICHEST EVENT IN SKYDIVING HISTORY - - guaranteed to surpass last year's record of $66,600. The Skysurfing venue at the X Games is set for near San Francisco, CA at a new location still TBA. Dates are August 9-14. The week long televised festival runs Aug 17-22. Final purse, venue and lots more is expected to be announced June 7 at the Athlete Advisory Committee and Sport Organizer Summit meeting in San Francisco.
* * *
New world rankings posted
Moscow Now Number One SeedJune 5, 2000 - June 5, 2000 - 98 X Games Gold Medalists Team Moscow (Valery Rozov and Clif Burch) used the Sky Points earned from their first place finish in the SSI Open to vault into the number one seeded slot in the SSI Pro World Rankings. The newly revised rankings shuffled teams around more than usual due to the combination of new Sky Points from the 2000 Open and the expiration of points from the 1999 Open.
For details, complete scoring, video in quality Quick Time or Real Player, and lots more go
Check out the Freefly and Skysurf events worldwide at the Event's Page! 