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What would a skydiver's life be without all those great boogies and meets around the world? Let us show you the special ones every month and some great Drop Zones around the world. |
Espace Boogie 2001 July 29 - August 4, 2001This year the Espace Boogie will not take place in Vichy. The 2001 boogie will be held from July 29 to August 4 at the European Skydiving Center in Lapalisse, France. Two Skyvans and a Casa will bring skydivers to altitude. There will be organized jumps in freeflying, formation skydiving and wingsuit flying. This year the preparation for the World Record Canopy Formation Skydiving will be held at the same time and place.
More information will be online at as soon as they are confirmed.
Boise Freefall Festival June 22-24, 2001June 22-24 will be the dates for the annual Boise Freefall Festival held at Snake River Skydiving. They will be hosting a Super Otter from Skydive, AZ, and will be having too much fun at their private DZ in the little town of Star, Idaho. Organizers will be available. Your $20 registration covers your steak dinner, fixings, and all the "refreshments" you can handle on Saturday night. Hang out and enjoy live music with the local band "Lazy Eye", or maybe take a dip in their new pool. They will be conducting their annual "Car Bowling" before sunset on Saturday and you won't want to miss that. Shaded packing, showers, tent camping, and a place to put your trailer or RV are all available.
Check out their web site for info and directions at
Goodtime Boogie in Ohio June 22-24, 2001Join the fun at the Jumprun.Com 2001 Goodtime Boogie at the Cleveland Parachute Center June 22-24. There will be relative work and organizing with world class skydiverJerry Bird (12,000 jumps in 80 countries) and freeflying with Joe Lunardi (tracking and speed dives, freefly organizing) A CASA will be provided by Carolina Sky Sports, and they will have an Otter, a super charged Twin Bonaza, a Bell Helicopter, Powered Parachutes, Balloons, and spectator rides. Icarus Canopies, Aerostore, JumpShack will be bringing their new tandem as well as rigs to demo, and gonnabe skywears' new mobile store will be there.
They will open check in/registration Wednesday evening, June 20 from 5:00 to 11:00 pm. Larger aircraft to start Thursday afternoon/eve, with a pre-party Thursday night. Friday night party with DJ/karaoke favorite Amish funnyman Kirt Pfister, and Saturday night, a live Band will be there featuring recording artists The Andy Johnson Explosion!
Ticket packages of 25 and 50 tickets bought will be accepted at the boogie as well a other Cleveland Parachute events throughout the year, these can still be bought, the more you jump the more you save, contact
or 1-800-tlc-jump. For more information check out their websites and
New England Free-Fly-Film-Festival July 19-22, 2001A freefly event and film festival will be held July 19-22 at Skydive New England in Lebanon, Maine. They will we have a Super Otter and freefly dives with Brian Germain. Jumps with Brian are free (you have to cover your own slot) and a $20 registration fee for the whole weekend gets you a canopy control seminar, coach jumps with Brian Germain, and a wicked party with live music from "Dirty Valentine" on Saturday night. For more information check out or
give then a call at (800) 796-7117.
NT Rel Week May 18-20, 2001The organizers of one of the biggest boogies Down Under in 2001 - the NT Rel Week at the Darvin Parachute Club in Batchelor, NT - has finally released the boogie dates - it's normally the first week of July, but with the World Meet in Spain kind of at the same time, it apparently is scheduled for August 18-25. For more information send an email to
The Ranch's July 4th Boogie May 24-28, 2001The Ranch's July 4th Boogie will take place July 4-8 in Gardiner, NY. They will have the Raeford Casa flying along with two Super Otters. Performance Designs and Relative Workshop will be there with demo gear. There will be parties, a fireworks show on the 6th and the infamous "Fight Night" on the 7th and all the normal antics of the Ranch. For more information check out their website at
Canadian Freefly Film Festival July 21 - 23, 2001The first ever Canadian Freefly Film Festival will be held July 21 - 23. Along with the film competition there will be a swooping contest and speed skydiving. Cash prizes and lots of other prizes can be won in events and raffles. There will be three Twin Otters available for the boogie. The event will be held at Skydive Burnaby, formerly the St. Catherines Parachute Club in Ontario, hosts of the 2000 Canadian National Skydiving Championships. For more information check out
Annual North West Skyfest Annual North West Skyfest will take place August 3-12 at the North West Parachute Centre at the Cark Airfield in Flookburgh, UK. There will be no registration fee. A Let 410 and an Islander will be flying for competitions, load organizing, record attempts and student progression. There will be parties, BBQ's, free camping, food and beer on site. For more information send an email to
July 4th Boogie at West Tennessee Skydiving There will be a July 4th Boogie at West Tennessee Skydiving on Wednesday, July 4th, 2001. Jump Mike Mullins' Super King Air from 8 AM until dark, $16 to 14,000', no registration or other fees. For complete information on the DZ and directions, please see
"Boogie for Friends" in Cuba June 30-July 16, 2001For the fifth year, a group of Belgium skydivers is organizing a boogie in Cuba.
This "Boogie for Friends" will take place June 30-July 16, 2001, at the Centro Internacional de Paracaidismo in Varadero.
Enjoy skydives with landings on the beautiful beaches of tropical Cuba with white sand, blue skies and clear blue sea! The legendary AN-2 will bring jumpers up to 11,000 feet for US $20. Even an Mi-17 will be flying for groups of 25 skydivers. Landings on the beach in front of the hotel and a jump on to Cayo-Largo, a beautiful tropical Island in the deep blue Caribbean sea, will be possible on demand. And there will be no registration fees!
For more information contact Orlando Gurrra (speaks English) at or email Eddy at |
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