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On this page we feature whatever you can think of or what you might suggest to us. These suggestions can be about people, teams, drop zones, software, books, videos, games, and...and... | More features on pages [1] [2]
Mike Salmons - Cameraflyer Our featured photographer this month is a seasoned veteran--Mike Salmons from Dillingham, Hawaii. 54-year-old Mike has been in the sport for 30 years with 3,600 jumps and 2,000 camera jumps to his record. Mike tells us, "My first sport canopy was a church window PC (Para commander) in a style master container system with front mounted reserve. my jump masters at the time questioned if students should be allowed to jump a "high performance" canopy". Mike's most memorable moments have included a jump into Honolulu Stadium on December 5, 1982, and the first time out of a D-18 after December 5, 1981. |

Temporarily retired due to old injuries and funding challenges, Mike tells us he is expanding his photography business into other fields. First, he taught himself how to make a web site ("old dogs can learn new tricks!"), and he is using his site, as a source of samples for his work.
He provides the following services: Still pictures from video, editing and compressing video for posting on the web, creating heroes (taking a solo picture of someone and putting him/her in a Big Way, photo insertion, inserting and/or removing people from a picture (old girl friend out new one in!). Retouching old photos, print media. Mike has also created promotional materials for Da Kine Rags for display at the convention in Illinois and did some of the art work for James Richey's soon-to-be-released book, "Basic Parachute Training".
Mike's advice to all new jumpers: learn how to do a PLF. Brain lock can strike any time any place. Be smart and careful out there. Check you fellow jumpers and encourage them to check on you. Always have health insurance.
Visit Mike Salmons at Skypeopleusa's web site: |
All photos © 2001 by Mike Salmons 
Drop Zone International Magazine Drop Zone International Magazine, the best skydiving magazine you'll ever see, has just come out as an English language version of Drop Zone, the French magazine loved by everyone who has seen it even if they couldn't read a word of it. Skydiving's best photographers not only contribute their work, they collect and save issues with the photos of others because Drop Zone International loves awesome pictures! The graphics and illustrations, as well as the fine informational and insightful writing in each issue come together to make skydiving's first high quality, classy magazine. Besides great photos, among others the inaugural issue offers articles about the Malaysian Borneo Boogie 2001, the Space Games, and the Team Extreme. "A Skydivers Guide to a Healthy Knee", "Separate & Track", and the "Novice Tips" also contain valuable information. |
You can ask your dropzone if they have a copy of the first, inaugural issue for you to take home free. In the back is where you'll find subscription information. Annual subscriptions are US $60.00. Or ask your DZ store to carry DZI where you can pick it up individually for US $6.00. You can also subscribe with their US representativ Kim Emerson. For more information contact him at, or check out their new website at More features on pages [1] [2] | |