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Here we want to present some of the most interesting, provocative, colorful sites as our "Pearls on the Net". If you have created a unique, funny, informative page, or if you know of such a web page, please send us the URL so we can feature it here! |
No Limits! - Dana Bowman's Site Dana Bowman is the Golden Knight who lost his legs in 1994 in a tragic skydiving collision with his team mate. Although he has since retired from the Army, he continues to touch peoples lives through hundreds of television programs, speaking engagements, magazine and newspaper articles as well as through his website. |
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Clearly demonstrating the triumph of the human spirit, Dana believes, "It's not the's the Ability!", and in this site you can read all about Dana's efforts to spread this philosophy of positive thinking and hope in the face of life's adversities. Dana's website calls itself "No Limits!" and invites you inside to discover more information on this remarkable man's life. |
BaseClimb Would you, could you, climb and parachute from the highest cliff in the world? The BaseClimb website is one of those rare finds on the Net that is loaded with great content in addition to great photos! This is the website for the expedition to break the World Record for altitude BASE jumping by climbing and parachuting from the highest vertical cliff in the world. |
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In their current attempt called, "BASEClimb 2", Glenn and Heather (a 38-year old corporate executive), together with Marta Empinotti of Vertigo Base Outfitters, have trained to hone the mental and physical skills necessary to successfully climb and jump off 'The Ogre' a 23,900-foot mountain in the Karakorum Himalaya, Pakistan. The jump will break the current world record. The story of this jump will be told in an international documentary film, in this website, and also in a book. Be sure to follow the project's progress in the expedition diary and check out all the interesting links found here. They hope you will be inspired to reach for your own 'impossible dream'! |
Cloud Dancer Are you looking for a skydiving web site loaded with informative and useful content? Then Tamara Koyn's site is an ideal choice. Although not the most visually compelling site (it lacks flashy effects and has few pictures) Tamara Koyn's page is a good example of a site with great content which does not need the bells and whistles! Here you can't go wrong if you're looking for in-depth information and write-ups on a variety of skydiving disciplines. |
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You will find a wealth of articles written by Tamara on such things as freeflying, skysurfing, tracking and birdman flying. And if you're looking for training course materials and information, you'll find it here too! And when you've finished soaking up all the good skydiving articles, don't forget to head to the garage sale area where Tamara sells off her stuff. Tamara Koyn has been a freestyle pioneer since 1985 with more than 1800 freestyle jumps. She has published the first books and video on this discipline, and has been freestyle coach since 1988 in the US, Australia, and Europe. | |