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Learn about upcoming competitions and championships worldwide. Check out the schedule of the month and get the latest results, stories and pictures. | More competitions on pages [1] [2] [3]
World Air Games in Spain June 24-30, 20015000 athletes and officials from over 80 different countries will take part in World Air Games 2001 during the last ten days of June in southern Spain. The athletes of the air will match their skills in the skies above Andalusia, Castile-La Mancha and Castile-Leon regions to determine who is the best in fly. They are excellently prepared to defeat the challenge of discussing the World Air Games Champion title awarded every four years in the air sports and conquering the sky before millions of men and women around the world. Athletes in air sports are opting for speed, reaching new heights and applying themselves in the search for excellence. |

Ten air sports will be present: Ballooning, Gliding, Glider Aerobatics, General Aviation, Hang Gliding, Helicopters, Microlights, Paragliding, Powered Aerobatics, and Parachuting/Skydiving.
The skydiving competition in all skydiving disciplines will be held at the Air Force Airfield in Armilla (Granada). Organization for the parachuting events is managed by an expert jumper, José Luis Bahón who must tackle the difficult challenge of coordinating an enormous number of flights and jumps. The skydive community is looking forward to a great event in Spain. For more information check out
And once again the "Waggi's" [Ted & Tim Wagner] and their OmniSkore team packed their equipment and headed to Spain to provide the electronic scoring system for the skydiving RW competitions. Besides that, they will keep all those who have to stay at home updated on what's cooking in Amarilla. They are going to do all that they can to cover all the events, but with everything happening at once--formation skydiving, canopy formations, freeflying, freestyle, skysurf, and style & accuracy-- please forgive them if some events are left a bit behind. For all the information on teams, results and daily tidbits check out OmniSkore's WAG website at
Also Veloce Skydive will present a daily chronicles of the WAGs in French at
Veloce réalise une chronique quotidienne du Championnat du Monde | 
New Skydiving League in Germany by Kurt Gaebel - kurt@skyleague.comThe former German national coach in Formation Skydiving, Dr. Rainer "Exi" Hoenle, has successfully launched the "Deutsche Sky Liga". The first competition of one of the five regional leagues was held May 12-13 in Soest, Germany. Four teams from this region competed and put the first scores, team pictures and information are on the DSL website at |
With the inauguration of the German 4-way competition league, the National Skydiving League is back to the roots. NSL President Kurt Gaebel had introduced the concept for a league for 4-way teams with the same structure originally in Germany ten years ago. When he left the country for his new home in Florida, he also took the plans for the NSL and the motivation to build this league to the United States. However, Gaebel and Hoenle continued discussing the progress of the National Skydiving League and the chances for a similar project in Germany through the years. Gaebel and Hoenle have known each other for a long time. In 1986, they competed together in 4-way winning the silver medal at the German National Championship. At the same event, they won the gold medal in 8-way and competed at the World Championship in Brazil in 1987. Hoenle retired from active competition soon after the world meet while Gaebel continued in 4-way and 8-way. Hoenle continued his efforts in different ways becoming the national coach for Formation Skydiving and taking an active role with the International Parachuting Commission.
For years, Hoenle has been a member of the IPC Subcommittee Formation Skydiving working on the rules and competition format for the sport. Gaebel and Hoenle met again in San Diego this spring when the IPC invited Gaebel to introduce the NSL structures and discuss options for the future of the sport. Hoenle was elected as the official IPC Delegate for Germany in San Diego. He had already retired from his position as the German national coach earlier to invest his time and efforts more into the general development of the sport.
In San Diego, Gaebel, Hoenle and other IPC members led by Pal Bergan from Norway and B.J. Worth also discussed the launch of the league in Germany again and how to include a national league into an international structure for skydiving competition. Finally, Hoenle's efforts and the discussions about the future of the sport resulted in the launch of the German Skydiving League which will be a part of the future "European Sky League". The sport has moved one step closer to the World Skydiving League. is offering the same basic information about the DSL as The first scores have been posted, the first team pictures and team profiles can be viewed. The first active leagues are the "Regionalliga Mitte" and "Regionalliga Süd" holding several meets at different locations between May and September. |
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