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If your brain is longing for more than simply adrenaline, then you'll find it here! Since there is a life beyond skydiving [at least sometimes] we like to show you some great non-skydiving sites - kinda "food for the brain". | Are the walls in your apartment looking a little bare? Perhaps a little photographic art might be in order, but proceed cautiously. This isn't simply art, this is hyperart and boy is it intense. Imagine Salvador Dali with an annoying hangover and you get the general idea. There's one of a blue beach in a pink sunset with horses frolicking in the surf and a green-spectacled woman in a jean jacket drifting out of view. |
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There's another with diner patrons viewing Miss Liberty wading through amber waves of grain with vaguely powerful concentric circles emanating from her upraised hand. Oh well, you get the picture. It's art, you know, that's all. | 
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Vidnet The streaming videos at Vidnet put moving music, sports, fashion, and movie trailers on your screen. The collection includes interviews, party recordings, concerts, news, plenty of "extreme" sports, and some complete short and full-length movies, too. And best of all, for those who can't get enough on late-night TV, there are infomercials! You'll never again complain that you just couldn't get enough of that rare acne-cure, cleaning-solution, or exercise-doohickey video. | 
Life on Vulcan We live on the planet Vulcan. Sure, some people call it Earth, but besides the great oceans, Earth is memorable for its molten center and erupting volcanoes. Volcano World tells you what's erupting now all over the world, how you can visit a volcano, and what the dangers are from massive eruptions - now that hundreds of millions of people live within the hot zone. |
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