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What would a skydiver's life be without all those great boogies and meets around the world? Let us show you the special ones every month and some great Drop Zones around the world. |
The World Freefall Convention August 3-12, 2001From August 3 to 12, 2001, Quincy, Illinois, will be transformed into the largest skydiving party on the planet - The 2001 World Freefall Convention! A ten-day paradise for skydivers will unfold which will include a Bell 412 helicopter, biplanes, balloons, and bombers. Not yet confirmed is the Boeing 727. Even more impressive than the aircraft are the thousands of jumpers who make the WFFC the world's largest boogie! In 2000, 5,732 skydivers from 55 countries made 63,000-plus jumps! |
Registration fee is $59.00. This fee entitles you to participate in the WFFC and to jump the most exotic fleet of aircraft ever assembled. Also available will be free camping, hot showers, free nightly seminars, live entertainment nightly, including some of the best bands around, free Beer, free non-alcoholic beer, and free soda nightly!
Standard jump ticket prices and aircrafts used will include several Super Otters, Twin Otters, Cessna Caravans, tailgate Casas, a SkyVan, and Mullin's King Air. The standard ticket price is $18, and most pilots give you an extra 1,000 feet or so!
How many jumps does one need to participate at the WFFC? A "B" License or the equivalent of 50 jumps. A 45-day USPA membership will be available on site. Due to insurance requirements, those who do not yet have "B" license requirements will have only AFF training available to them, and the number of students is limited.
Chicagoland Skydiving [] will be there with it's Accelerated Freefall School and will hold several first jump courses. They are prepared to take you from zero jumps to the ability to jump on your own. What better way to learn to skydive than at the "Woodstock" of skydiving events? All students will be jumping separately in Chicagoland's personal Porter aircraft and landing in an alternate area for safety.
Meet top-name load organizers who will help you improve your skills and have fun. There will be Concepts Unlimited Challenging sequential skydives (20- to 60-ways) with Roger Ponce de Leon. There also will be Freefly Organizing by Brian Germain. Sit in on one of his seminars and learn from the expert. Freefly coaching, organizing, Wing Suit and skysurfing instruction available. Top notch CRW instructors will held a CRW camp with one-on-one instructions. |
There will be a "Bob-Way" again, and this year they are planning a 30-way (they did 21-way in 2000). All participants must have a first or middle name of Bob, Robert, Billy Bob, Joe Bob, get the idea? On August 7th there will be a POPS Accuracy and Hit'n Rock competition. A large number of vendors are on site to provide you with almost any product or service you need. In fact, many convention attendees that stay in "Tent City" find no need to ever leave the airport once they get to the convention! The official 2001 WFFC video will be provided by Grant Carroll's Martini Shot Films. Grant is a professional film and video editor, producer, and director who has worked for companies as NBC, CBS,
ABC, TLC, and Discovery. |
 Photo © 2000 WFFC
For more comprehensive information, check out the convention's informative web site at WFFC, and the World Freefall Convention logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of WFFC. |
Zabo's Tips for Quincy First Timers Zabo, who was at Quincy for the past six years to shoot his own "Alternative Quincy Video" [], has some tips and information for the first timers at the World Freefall Convention.
- Average jumpers have less than 300 jumps. Be careful!
- The main landing area is about the size of a football field. But with 1000s of acres of outs.
- Normally there is about 4000 skydives per day.
- Be very careful under canopy be aware of others!
- Full showers both m/f, after 8 am normally there is no hot water left.
- The food tent always has pretty good food.
- The party tent is where the action is from about 9pm till ???, free beer during the evening.
- Manifest is the best you will see ever!
- Load organizing is free and the guys and gals that do the organizing are the best. So if you go alone there is always good jumps with the organizers.
- Bring a bike so you can get around. Bring a lock for your bike, they do get
borrowed allot. They never really get stolen (no where to take them), you just
got to walk around and find it.
- You can rent a golf cart at a price that will double your Quincy trip. (I wish
they would get rid of them) You can use them after dark anyway.
- If your camping have a way to lock up your stuff. There are always a few people that come to Quincy with ideas of getting free equip.
- If your a mean drunk and start trouble --Quincy has its own security force. Respect the people they are here to help us all.
- Police are also there, but the police are really cool about what we all do.
- Come with a party attitude and you will return year after year.
Also check out Gary Peeks article "Becoming An Experienced Convention Skydiver" from our Quincy 2000 coverage.
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