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There are always special events on the drop zones world wide. We'll try to figure them out for you and post them here. We also like to publish your stories and impressions of events, you just have to write them down and send them to us. Check back often, we'll update this page whenever we get the news. | For more events see pages [1] [2] [3]
New York CRW Record September 7-9, 2001 by Jon Sikorski - Jon@dqnt.comThe Blue Sky Ranch is hosting a New York CRW Record September 7th, 8th and 9th. The locals purchased 12 lightnings last year after a successful training camp which saw the first 9-way diamond there. They are current and practicing crew regularly under the direction of Frank Fowler. They are hungry for a State Record! We will have 3 Otters. I expect to start off with 16-Ways on Friday, Sept 7th, then on to bigger and better on the 8th and 9th. The weather should be beautiful. We have a group of experienced Canadian Crew dogs attending as well. I could use a few diamond pilots to start things off small if you have the experience.
Airfares are low right now so book early. Stewart-Newburg (Southwest) is the closest. Albany is near, and Laguardia/JFK are 1.75 hours away. Call the DZ and see if Brooklyn can pick you up - he's a great guy and knows his way around the city to get you to the DZ or Airport on time and in one piece. Expect to do standard diamonds and starbursts for the record attempts. If we get a record early on, we'll go for large multiple pilot formations if we have the talent, and a low wrap-factor.
Everyone is welcome to party as hard as they can AFTER the jumps. Safety is going to be number one throughout the dives. No one gets axed, but everyone must have prior experience and a complete understanding of emergency procedures.
For those of you who haven't been to the Ranch, it's a great DZ with lots of live-in folks that are full of good vibes - it's going to be a good time! The record jump will be free according to DZ manager Guy Wright. |

Arizona Airspeed Camera Camp July 14-15, 2001 by Paul Quade - Airspeed camera flyers, Marc Steinbaugh and Steve Nowak, are happy to offer Airspeed's first camera camp. Whether you are just getting started or have thousands of video jumps, this will give you the chance to hone your skills in a fun and productive atmosphere. With one on one attention you will be able to concentrate on what areas you need most. This camp will be held July 14 - 15 at Skydive Arizona in Eloy, Arizona.
The premise of this camp will be primarily 4 way video, with daily training and seminars covering the following information: Exits Positioning in relation to your team (steepness) Safety Equipment Role as a team camera person. If there is interest, we can touch on other disciplines, such as AFF, tandem, and large formation camera work. The cost of the camp is $500 per person which includes 12 jumps with video debrief Seminars Raffle for a free Bone Head camera helmet.
Teams interested in coming along to jump with their camera person will receive $15 jump tickets and their camera person's slot will already be covered. For information about the camp go to, there's a link near the bottom of the camp description that takes you to the registration form. | |

Flyboyz Freefly Skills Camp July 7-8, 2001The Flyboyz are holding a Freefly Skills Camp at Perris Valley Skydiving in California the weekend of July 7-8. The schedule and other information about the Skills Camp has just been posting to the Flyboyz website at along with a schedule for the 2001 Film Festival (September 13 - 16, 2001). Information about the Film Festival is still trickling in so be sure to check back often for all the latest competition and registration information. |
For more events see pages [1] [2] [3] |