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Stolen & Missing Equipment!!!
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Stolen Gear
Sometime between the close of operations on Sunday evening the 7th of January and Thursday afternoon on the 11th of January, the Newcastle Sport Parachute Club, located at Elderslie in the Hunter Valley of NSW, Australia was broken into. The locked up area where the club's student training equipment is kept was targeted and the following items were stolen:
1. Container: Strong Student Hawk (Rig No.3) Black with red reserve flap S.N 309 135
Main: Raider, multicoloured S.N 2148
Reserve: Raven IV S.N 04321909
A.A.D: FXC RevJ S.N 13806
2. Container: Strong Student Hawk (RigNo. 4) Black with red reserve
flap S.N: 309 136
Main: Manta
Reserve: Raven IV S.N 04322315
A.A.D: FXC 16300
3. Container: Strong Student Hawk (Rig No. 6) Black with red
reserve flap S.N 405 172
Main: Manta S.N 5775
Reserve: Raven IV S.N 04322505
A.A.D FXC 19432
4. Strong Tandem Blue/Grey S.N 805 041
Passanger Harness
Main: Icarus Tandem main Silver/Grey
Reserve: Masler 421
A.A.D CYPRES S.N 3110175EECA222T
5. Vector Tandem Blue/Grey/Light Blue S.N 11941
Passenger Harness
Main: EZ384
Reserve: PD 260 S.N 360217
A.A.D CYPRES, S.n 10H0695D5DC9213T
6. Container: Javelin J4 Conversion Rig, Black/Red S.N 12856
Main: Sabre 190
Reserve: PD176R S.N 15129
A.A.D CYPRES, S.N 4011A8615ECA2220
The theft of these items has effectively wiped out the owned student training parachuting equipment of the Newcastle Sport Parachute Club (un-insured) so any information heard by any members would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the club on (02) 4931 1040 or Kim Hardwick (Chief Instructor) on (02) 6672 1764.
Please pass this info on to anyone who you think can help, parachuting equipment is not cheap and any leads that may help us to recover these rigs would be fantastic. Also if anyone can offer support to NSPC please call them and let them know A.S.A.P. Thanks heaps!
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Stolen Gear
My car was stolen with all my skydiving gear in it- rig and everything. If any of this shows up at a dropzone for some reason, please contact me immediately! I'm in Houston so more than likely it'll be in the area. Thanks so much.
1994 all black Javelin NJ with a charcoal pop-top, gray midflap with light pink pinstripes, serial # 6658. It has a cypres in it, Sabre 120 (mostly blue, with 2 cells of magenta and 2 cells of turquoise) and a white reserve PD 126.
The rest of my gear included a small yellow Z1 full face, extra small weight vest, blue FT-50 altimeter, and a mostly black and navy blue "Gotcha Covered" brand RW suit. This gear was in a Black Wilson bag with a bit of red on the handles. Thanks all and be on the lookout.
Brittany Sanchez [skydivergirl@hotmail.com],
Phone: 405-204-6858 (cell)
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Stolen Gear
The gear below was stolen August 26 at the DZ Gryttjom, Sweden.Javelin, 12-96, 10686
Stilletto 120, 12-96, 05613
PD126, 12-96, 13151
AT Cypres, 05-96, 10F0E56059C402 50
For image and more info check http://w1.266.telia.com/~u26605551/temp/monicah.htm. Do not hesitate to contact the owner Monica at monicah@mail.com if you have any information.
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Stolen Canopy
Safire 149 neon pink and black, ser no. 94512389, stolen from Skydive DeLand 8/13/2000. Call 1-813-783-3366 with any info you may have. Recovery reward!
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Stolen Gear
The following gear was stolen from a truck at the Sheraton Inn in Springfield, MO.:
Racer Elite, black w/blue trim
Stiletto 135, shades of blue
PD143 reserve Ser#16100
Cypres, Altimaster3, Bonehead Mindwarp helmet, Pro-Track Audible altimeter
Please keep an eye out for this equipment, and call Brian Hunter at (417)235-3100 with any information.
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Stolen Camera and Helmet
I would really appreciate anyone out there to keep a look out for stolen camera and helmet which went missing from Skydive Lake Wales on Monday April 10, 2000.Sony DV700 Mini DV, serial number 28785
Protec Helmet/Paramount
I am a camera man and have now lost my only source of income, and would be pleased to offer a reward to the person who can locate my stolen equipment.
Mark Hatchette
(863) 679 7536
(863) 638 2400
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Stolen Equipment
Skydive Temple in Texas was broken into on the weekend of January 22-23 week and had some equipment stolen. As they stated, they're 99.99% sure it was stolen by a guy named Charles Wood, goes by CW, also uses the name of Louis Johnson.
Missing is 1 Student Dolphin container, black with a blue Dolphin, made 4-96, batch #9641. A Tempo 250, serial #157630, Skymaster 292 (SN not available yet.) The main is multi-colored neon, pink, orange, yellow, green, purple, gr, yel, or, pink with purple stabilizers. Its got an FXC 12000 with the J mod on it. The thief also stole several Altimaster II's, Newman gloves, TimeOut and goggles. He also took a couple of student jumpsuits and a couple of student Altimaster II's with Skydive Temple written on the pillow, and at least 1 video camera. The culprit drives a red 92 Lincoln Town car.
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Stolen Gear!!!
The following gear was stolen Sunday night, November 28, 1999 from a parked vehicle in "The Golden Coral" parking lot in Norman, Oklahoma.X-Large, black "Square One" gear bag with monogrammed "Percy"
Container: Javelin J-1, s/n 9196, black with royal blue trim, excellent condition.
Reserve: Tempo 170, s/n 58055, white.
Main: Sabre 135, s/n LS-135 0137512
Colors on the main are: royal blue, white, blackberry, blackberry, white, blackberry, blackberry, white, royal blue
Camera Helmet: "Para-Mount" System 3 with Norton ring sight
Camera: Sony 8mm, model TR67, s/n 107191
Miscellaneous: Altimaster 2, s/n Unknown (Attached to Camera Helmet), Altimaster 3, s/n 105916, Altimaster 5, s/n 3192, Standard "Dytter" s/n Unknown
Jump Suit: "Body Sport" red, white, blue with black
Spandex camera suit: generic, black
And all other assorted gear (goggles, packing mat, etc.)
The owner is offering a reward to the person or persons who can help recover his gear (no questions asked). If you have any information please contact:
Percy McGee at (405) 236-0271
Paradise Parachute (405) 288-6728
Email Kevin - Skybum@earthlink.net
Thanks & Blue Skies!
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Stolen Rig !!!
The following rig has been stolen at The Ranch Parachute Club in Gardiner, NY, please be on the lookout! Here are the descriptions and the serial numbers:
- Brand new solid black Javelin XRS with stainless steel everywhere, red piping on the pop top, a small scuff mark on the reserve flap and a noticably long harness for a tiny rig. - s# - 16472
- Bright red 95 Jedei Sweptwing with yellow airlocks and a little yellow on both end cells. Toggles set high and tight. An "APB" has been forwarded to EMT's and emergency rooms. - s#- 1133
- 113 PD Reserve -s# - 11317887
- Expert Cypres - s# - 10f0616362d0
If anybody comes across this rig, please would you contact Bruce - fastsftail@aol.com.
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Dropzone wanted
Serious buyer with sound financials and business experience looking to purchase a Drop Zone. The plan is to produce a world class AFF school and attract the best Relative Work team through superior training facilities. All enquiries to Jump@skydiveunlimited.co.uk.
NEW ! >>>
King Air B90 for sale
For sale: King Air B90. Set up for skydiving. One of the nicest ones you will find. Very low time on two new hots, very good rotables, fresh phase. Call 510-297-2566.
NEW ! >>>
Drop Zone for sale or lease
Busy DZ is southeast NC for sale or lease. Owner wants to retire but the jumpers will not let it close. Situated on a municipal airport, you will own the land, buildings, and all the equipment needed to run a great operation. It has permanent access to the airport and runway in the deed. DZ has 2000 sq ft two story clubhouse, manifest building, snack bar, complete rigging loft, 1500 sq ft shaded packing area, 1200 sq ft screened in porch, 14 R/V hookups, includes one 19ft R/V. It is between the USMC base at Camp Lejeune (Jacksonville), UNC at Wilmington, and USAF base in Goldsboro. Great student DZ and a GREAT staff to help you run it! Good relatons with the town and the airport management. Good family oriented DZ. Not looking for mega money, just want to ride my motorcycle more! Email CHangsleben@ec.rr.com for more info.
NEW ! >>>
Drop Zone for sale
Have you always wanted to own your own Drop Zone? Here's your chance! Private facility in Idaho for sale includes 1958 Cessna 182A, 2 Strong Tandem rigs with 520's, 3 Infinity student harnesses with Mantas, and other various skydiving equipment. We also own www.tandem-skydive.com which is invluable for bringing us a lot of tandem business. We own a 1971 Dodge Van with business logo on both sides (see web site photo page) that goes with the business and also brings us a lot of cudstomers. Working off of a private airfield, we do not have to deal with airport boards, county commissions, or airport management. The DZO is the Airport Manager, so to speak, and currently, there are no other planes, and no other businesses on the field. We are located in the Boise area, and the county Boise sits in is the 4th fastest growing county in the U.S. We average 400+ tandmes per year, and continue to grow. We have been in business since 1993, and have an excellent reputation in the community. Our DZ also hosts a minimum of 3 Turbine Boogies per season. The building we use is 100' x 25' and has showers, a snack area, and a large, carpetted packing area. We have a covered dirt diving pad, and a beautiful grass yard for spectators. This is a "walk in and go to work" situation. Give up your "real" job, and skydive for a living!
If interested, please send an email to idskydvrs@aol.com for further details.
Westwind 111 available
Westwind 111 available for boogies or regular weekends. Turbine powered twin engine Beech. 10-14 skydivers to altitude in 10-16 minutes. Call Jim West at 937-372-0700 for bookings starting May 1, 2001.
Carburetor Air Box wanted
Air Capital Skydiving Center in Wichita, Kansas is looking for a Carburetor Air Box. If you have one or know where to find one please call Phil at (316) 776-1700.
1963 Cessna 182 for sale
TT: 4300 HRS Engine: 1300 SMOH (Mattituck) compressions are good IFR Cert due 10/01, Annual due 10/01 Avionics: King KX 155, King KI214 VOR/LOC/GS, King 170B with VOR, King KT76 Transponder w/encode,r King KN64 DME, King KR85 ADF, Narco CP126 Audio, King 3 Lite Marker, Century I Autopilot, WX 8 Stormscope
Extras: Digital clock, EGT,CHT, Whelan Strobes, Articulating seats, One piece windshield(New in 1998), NDH, All logs original Interior: Blue with grey leather trim- One year old Exterior: Aqua Blue with blue stripe- 5 out of 10 No jumps mods yet- Price: US $55,000 Contact Rose or John Goetsch at 978.874.1935 or by email at RGoetsch@iname.com.
Information wanted
I am looking for a all kind of information about skyboards WITHOUT pilot chute, and about the regulations and recommendations for it. I know that there are some places, but I need to know exact arguments to present them to those people who are working with aviation regulations in my home country Finland. Currently the pilot chute is compulsory in Finland on all kinds of skyboards. So, I have a few questions in mind:
- In which country is it possible to jump without the pilot chute on board?
- In which country is the pilot chute always compulsory?
- Is there any country without any limitations for the pilot chute in board?
- What are limitations of weight/surface area-ratio in case that there is no need to use
the pilot chute?
I appreciate your cooperation! Please contact me at kusti1@suomi24.fi.
Ahti Kangas, Finland
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