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Vol. 18 - June/July 2001 - English Edition The Magazine from Skydive World


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There are always special events on the drop zones world wide. We'll try to figure them out for you and post them here. We also like to publish your stories and impressions of events, you just have to write them down and send them to us. Check back often, we'll update this page whenever we get the news.

For more events see pages [1]  [2]  [3]   

Kamchatka Expedition
July 7-15, 2001

Skydive over the land of volcanos, lakes, mountains and bears and have the blast of your lifetime. Skydives Expeditions from the Netherlands and Aeroprize from Russia are organizing an expedition to Kamchatka, the country of 300 extinct and 30 active volcanos at the east coast of Russia. The country of a wild nature with thermal springs, geysers and one of the biggest bear populations of the world.
They will fly with their own helicopter and the participants will be flying from the northern giant volcanos of Klutchevsky to the southern end of the peninsula. During the expedition skydivers can jump from the helicopter over the magnificent Eurasian volcanos, camera people will put the magnificent beauty of the landscape and jumps with the incredible background on film/video. Tourists will enjoy the scenery of a breathtaking "Indian summer".
The expedition is planned for the beginning of September 2001, and there are 12-14 slots available. The price from Moscow is US$ 6000, and for participants who want to bring/hire a tandem master to make tandem jumps the costs will be $ 12000,-. Included are accommodation, meals and flights from and to Moscow. The program can be changed according to the wishes of the participants, weather situation, technical aspects, etc. For more information and a brochure contact:
Skydive Expeditions
De Eerensplein 21
2593 NB The Hague Netherlands
Tel./Fax: +31703836687

Airspeed RW Skills Camp
August 5-8, 2001

There are some slots left open in the Airpseed RW Skills Camp scheduled for August 5-8. This camp has been an annual event at the Blue Sky Ranch in Gardiner, NY and is specifically scheduled for the newer jumpers who have over 80 jumps and want to learn RW from the best in the world, how to turn in place, dive, go side to side, fall rate changes, 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 3 on 1 and 4-way skills. Everyone jumps with Craig or Captain Kirk and each jump is videoed free. This camp is even great for the advanced RW jumper who wants to go to the next level. They have opened the camp up to 16 slots due to the increased interest to attend.
If you are interested and want more information, please call the manifest at 845 255 9538 for details, or email Guy Wright at If there are any 4-way teams that want to attend and train as a 4-way team, give Guy a call and we will work something out. (i.e., you can have 4 slots and train in the 4-way mood). Don't wait to reserve your slot.

For more events see pages  [1]  [2]  [3]  

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